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TheKing (DayZ)

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About TheKing (DayZ)

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    On the Coast

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  1. TheKing (DayZ)

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    You people qqing about realism fail to realize that if it was real you would be dead and the new guy that you just rolled would never know that there was a dead body there anyway to get the loot.
  2. i dont tollerate this sort of trolling. can any moderator plz delete this comment ? its just a proof how easy it is for the community of hackers or hack buyers to grow. i dont advertise anything here. but i will delete it and set it in other words to prevent further trolling. OP seems a little butt hurt is raging like a 12 year old yet offers no useful way of solving the problem and instead rages at people for stating facts but gotta say real smooth with the original link showing people how to get a hack.