Here recently I purchased Dayz for the Xbox one and started playing. As with new releases I expect issues like: lag, missing items, button command issues, glitching ect. .especially games in the process of being made my issues are as follows: (1) just recently I was playing and I ran into the issues of rubber banding such as running down a road next to the coast and next thing I was jogging in the in the same direction running down a mountain( and eaten by wolves I guess that's the luck of a new spawn). Server latency is also to be expected (2) was hunting a chicken, knife had it cornered and I stopped moving and as did the chicken I assumed the game had frozen and pressed my start button it was not working as with all the buttons (I have had issues like these as a new spawn also: couldn't open doors and pick-up items) I was about to press my home button and the game snapped back on and there were 3 zombies on me and I died. befor hand there we no zombies in the area be cause I was in a field in the middle of nowhere except the chicken.(3) for the last session I played I did pretty good starting out: canteen, food, mountain backpack knife, canopner, a container pistol,mosin nagant, ammo for both for my avatar life was good helped out a couple of friendly players took out some bullies attacking new people that just spawned and got better gear to boot so I decided to log off for while and come back later (later came) logged back in spawned back where I logged off and went into my inventory and nothing was there except a teddy bear which I did not have in the first place granted I was upset (I'm not going into details of what I said but you get the point) and my stats were all blinking did not get down the second flight of stairs and died when I left everything was in the green. my inner voice said it's only a game.(4) connecting to the servers and it starts and then your kicked out and back at the home screen and when you do get in a server ( it like are their yet x1000 or depending on ones patients) as for ideas ( tons upon tons) like thousands of other gamers out there like myself I'll relinquish a couple but first in a survival game of course it's all about survival but for one to start off in a game. ( idea 1) a few starting amenities to new spawns nothing huge like weapons ( except for like a knife,hatchet,firefighters ax not in pristine condition but very few uses,badly damage ect.) ,good gear or the like. (Idea 2) simple things for instance a simple water bottle empty or full one will have to figure out how fill it up and where to fill it up. (Idea 3) a can of food but no way of opening or vica a versa it they'll have to figure it out for themselves ( except for experienced / veteran players ) (idea 4) matches (which I have already seen in game) or interduce lighters (limited uses) steel wool and battery, a glass bottle for a gasoline starting base (I've seen tons of vehicles in tha game ) or make shit Molotov,flint and still (limited uses) in short as the saying goes every game has a gold lining. Play strong