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About Rex79

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. The OG Ragnarok hardcore server is truly the best hardcore survival server IMO hands down I dare you to try and survive
  2. Rex79

    Fresh Spawned 4 No Reason!?

    Was on private server and when it reset I logged back in only to find myself in the beach goodbye VSD
  3. Rex79

    Motor Oil

    You can put oil in just have to find sweet spot think it close to the side mirrors
  4. Rex79

    Cars/private server

    @Jonas Levin
  5. Rex79

    Cars/private server

    Water yes but wouldn’t allow you option to add oil tried for about 15 min
  6. Rex79

    Cars/private server

    Me and a couple buds got a car going for about 30miles then wouldn’t turn over and started smoking had all components in pristine conditions is this a bug or just bad luck
  7. Rex79

    Xbox hot Mic

    I’m for not having to hold down on D-pad to chat. Would like to be able to toggle on or off would definitely make for easier game play
  8. Rex79

    All I have left to say .....

    Hahaha nice touch 🐸
  9. I picked this up first week it was released for preview for Xbox in August of 2018 and fell in love with it and what it can become but even tho it won’t kill us eventually our/my attention span in waiting for a playable game will wear thin and result in its own demise I hope not but it’s close to a year and well ........you know where we are at
  10. Rex79

    The most satisfying clip ever?

  11. Rex79

    The birdcage

    This game needs an enema give it and all the legit players a clean start
  12. Rex79

    And it was all going so well ... Until.

    That’s just it you get kicked or server times out and your treated like a duper or server jumper not cool
  13. Rex79

    Cycling through quickslot

    Most def not rolling off a crane lol 🏗 😂
  14. Rex79

    Did I do him dirty?

    No shame in that now he is snacking on the lords bounty
  15. Rex79

    Using A Scope

    Before update you could use an unmounted scope for bino substitute and that’s not working either