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Everything posted by Maccamc666

  1. Can I have my 30 quid back please. What's the point in buying a game I can't play as your servers are a pile of excrement. Also fire whom ever programmed the inventory as it is so broken that it's worst than sh&t. For a game that's been five years in development what did you do, spend all day in the pub. The only thing you seem to have developed is a larger bank account from selling sub standard software. I'm surprised that Microsoft allowed you to publish your game whilst it's in such a poor state. FIX IT and fix it soon or DAYZ will fail big time on the Xbox.
  2. Maccamc666


    After managing to stay alive for five days and finally finding good gear what happens the game freezes and when I reboot the game I've lost everything. Fook you Bohemia your game is shit it worked better five years ago on PC, what have your devs been doing since three yrs ago when it was announced that the game would be coming to Xbox. I think that youve all been sitting around in some sort of circle jerk fellatio group because you sure haven't been making sure that this piece of garbage chitt works properly. And for all you fanboy critics out here that are gonna tell me I'm wrong go and suck your mommys Richard.
  3. Maccamc666

    Get off your fat 45535 and fix the servers.

    Because unlike you obvious fanboy, im not a sheeple who wont complain when something is broken beyond belief. I might well go and play Minecraft as their servers work and at least i'd be able to play a game. Also you don't seem to understand what a forum is for, if you want to be a blind follower why don't you become a scientologist.
  4. Maccamc666

    Get off your fat 45535 and fix the servers.

    Yes I did both of these. The point of the closed beta was to iron out these issues, seems the devs decided to spend their time in the pub rather trying to fix any of the server issues. I understand that there should be minor bug problems there always are. My problem is , if Bohemia had asked 10 quid for the game with all its problems then fine. but when they ask 30 quid for a game then I expect a better quality product, that works at least 80% of the time. At the moment I would say it works about 10% of the time. most of the games on the preview cost around £ 14.99 and worked better than Dayz does.
  5. Maccamc666

    Get off your fat 45535 and fix the servers.

    What is Xbox Game Preview? Xbox Game Preview is a way for our fans to preview and purchase work-in-progress digital titles, participate in the development process and help developers make Xbox One games the best they can be. Yes game preview is there to iron out the bugs in the game . How can you report the bugs when you can't even access the game because the servers are always going down. Any company would have stress tested the servers before publishing the game. It's amazing that the servers in vigor are stable yet a game that's been in development for 5 years are not.