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Everything posted by Slivo

  1. Hi everyone! I heard about this mod today and startet downloading it immediately. Now the download is finished but im unable to join the servers. Im getting serveral errors when I start the Arma2 shortcut, such as: "Addon 'dayz_code' requires addon 'CABuildingParts' " I know that there is a point about that in the FAQ that says that i should run Arma2 and OA together but it doesn't work either. Another error, wich I receive at the main menu says: "no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Citizen1.scope' " When I try to join a server it throws me back to the lobby with a notification that I can't join the Mission because of some deleted content. I redownloaded 2 times so the mod files should be up-to-date. After googleing for quite some time I signed up in this forum to look for help. It would be great if someone could help me out. ps: I'm sure I messed up the installation somehow...
  2. Slivo

    Zombie Loot

    The idea seem great. But the drop chances should be rather low. Maybe 10 - 15% for civilian zombies and even lower for military ones. I mean, imagine yourself as a Soldier in some zombie outbreak and the situation is getting worse, then you wouldn't let yourself getting bitten with an Ar-15 and mags of ammo. you would fight down to your last round...
  3. Slivo

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes, keep them. If someone chooses to become a PK the result should be something like a different skin. Maybe something neutral.
  4. Thanks a lot! This solution seems to work. Now I'm able to connect to servers. I'm still getting some errors here but it seems to be all right. After a re-install it should work. hopefully. Edit: I have the complete Arma Pack