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Everything posted by ApexOutlaw

  1. ApexOutlaw

    What to do after fully geared?

    That’s why FrankieOnPC’s videos were so good! I really liked the role play that he has going on with his intros, it gets me feel pretty immersed with the dialog of the video. I think the reasons why people get bored with DayZ lategame is a little more than surface-deep. What I believe to be the issue is that people are getting use to BR style games too much. For example PUBG, where you try to loot as much as possible the same way you do in DayZ, search houses and travel to other places, and try to kill people that are either already there or showing up while you’re looting. When you get all the stuff that you need, you then travel to an area and kill the last survivors, declaring you the winner. So nowadays, new people that play DayZ have been “spoiled” by the way BR games play, they expect that there is an endpoint, or be declared a winner or someway or another. There isn’t. This game is purely a survival game, your character is living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with zombies, player encounters are suppose to be rare! It makes me laugh when I see someone suggesting that we should get ingame maps/mini maps, because that is something that is standard for a BR game like PUBG/Fortnite. If they were going to add a map to the game, it would be a physical object that you would have to find and pick up, and it wouldn’t show you as a dot on the map, you would have to actually locate where you are just like a roadmap back in the day. I think I might be getting off topic. I guess if you need to find something to do, go and search for better guns and gear, on a high population server there’s always someone nearby the places guns drop.
  2. ApexOutlaw

    Loot tables

    Ohh woops lol but yea I don’t think it’s in the game yet. I personally want to try an SKS with a bayonet but that’s for sure not in yet.
  3. ApexOutlaw

    Loot tables

    The Sporter 22 is a .22 caliber long rifle, not a shotgun. I have not seen any .22 LR rounds ingame so I don’t know if they are suppose to be in the game yet.
  4. ApexOutlaw

    How to survive the quick timers of hunger and thirst

    I’m pretty sure that the DayZ wiki site has all the information on that, also has all the information on stats and conditions in the game. Lots of useful stuff on there but some parts of it are a little dated (0.61-0.62 patches.)
  5. ApexOutlaw

    How to survive the quick timers of hunger and thirst

    Very nice! Didn’t know about the worms either! Another thing that’s good to know is that when you open cans, you can loose some of the food depending on what you use to open it. For example: Got a can of tactical bacon, if you open it up with a 2 handed axe you’ll loose close to 50% of the food in the can. Open it with a knife and you loose about 15-20%, but when you open it with a can opener you retain 100% of the food. Good to know if you want to be efficient with your food supply.
  6. ApexOutlaw

    Favorite Weapons

    I haven’t ever used the Mosin, couldn’t find the ammo for it when I started and by the time I did I got rid of it for an AKM. So I don’t have much experience with the gun, but maybe try tapping Y while holding the gun, that might force a chamber animation but I’m not too sure. If you want a speedier load you can add the bullets to your quickslot options and when you hold right on D-Pad press B instead of A on the bullets to combine them with your rifle. Hope the Y option works though...
  7. ApexOutlaw

    So...what do you guys do after playing awhile?

    The problem with tents and barrels is that they stay on the server that you’re playing on, they don’t follow with you from server to server. Considering how volatile the servers are at the moment it won’t work very well. Plus I don’t think they are ingame at the moment. This is one of the main reasons why people like to have private servers on DayZ, besides having an entire map worth of loot to yourself and friends. As far as what I do when I am fully geared? I am currently just traveling the map and going to the places I haven’t visited, having 5 canteens and 4 protector cases full of bacon makes it easy to just walk around and explore. I also like to sit on tall hills by spawn towns and pretend I’m Lee Harvey Oswald every now and then...
  8. ApexOutlaw

    Favorite Weapons

    I’ve got to try this, thanks for the info! I have been trying to understand what is going on when this bug triggers, and it will happen even if you have it equipped to your back but basically the game requires a full animation in order to use the mag. When you pick the mag off the ground the game autoequips it to the gun if it doesn’t have a mag on it (skips animation) This is more likely a system the devs put into place to keep people from reloading instantly, but unfortunately they made it to where attachments and mags auto equip. Pretty sure this is an issue with Xbox specifically, since the equip button and pick up button are both X. Thats just my theory on the subject, I could be wrong. EDIT: What I do to avoid this is when you find your first mag for your gun, equip your weapon and press Right Trigger on the mag while it’s on the ground. Also, my new favorite gun combo is AKM/USG45, both can have suppressors and with some field testing the AKM shots hurt just as much as SVD even with a supressor.
  9. ApexOutlaw

    Favorite Weapons

    I really enjoy the AKM/SVD combo atm, suppressor and the nameless Russian holo-sight for the AKM to be used for zombie clearing/protection. Got the PSO-1 Scope on the SVD for when I actively hunt people out of boredom. Would be really nice if they could implement a hold-breath function on Xbox, it is extremely difficult to line up a 200 meter shot on someone, even when I’m prone. Only way to really get a kill is when someone is sitting still long enough for the reticle to pass over them. Thats why I like to sit on hills and watch the Wells in spawn towns, easy targets when they are animation locked.
  10. ApexOutlaw

    I had a great first run until...

    So to start off, I had a very good run on my first life in DayZ for Xbox One, considering I used to play this game on the PC and knew what was essential for when you spawn. Fast forward, I am fully decked out! AKM with suppressor, 4 full mags, ammo box in inventory full of bullets, and a good sight. Also had an SVD with the same stuff, 4 canteens with purification tabs, and more tactical bacon than I can eat in a lifetime! Since I had all the stuff I needed to survive, I started collecting burlap sacks to make ghillie cover for my guns and body. Here is when it all goes bad. As I’m going through the industrial area at around Toploniki, I see what I thought was a burlap sack at the top of the crane (DayZ vets probably know what I’m leading up to.) I climbed the crane, but it turned out to be a piece of clothing completely unusable to me. Unfortunately, as I was climbing down the ladder, the server crashes... My PTSD kicked in, I knew exactly what that meant. Praying that the servers have rolled back my character to the top of the crane, I log into a random low population server. Of course, I spawn at the top of the ladder, falling to my death... I respawn, and immediately start searching for food and water bottles so I could try running back to my dead body to recover everything I worked so hard for. Right when I get into the second house, bottom left of screen says “This server will restart in 5 minutes.” All hope was lost when I saw that prompt come up... Of the dozen people that I ran into that tried to murder me, and the endless pack of zombies and wolves that tried to eat me, it was a f-ing server crash that gets me! After that happened it just sucked all the fun out of playing a new life for me, and I’m still struggling to regain it all back since your Xbox servers are crap. So, I know that you devs know about this happening, people have been telling you about it for like 6+ years now, so I have a very simple suggestion that will save you from a lot of people’s frustration. You could do one of 2 things; 1. When a player spawns in, make a fall damage exclusion zone around the bottom of the player that last like 5 seconds or something, if you can find a way for the server to identify if a player is mid-air, have it only activate for that so people can’t abuse it. 2. When a player spawns in, have it to where their character is immune to fall damage for 5 or more seconds when spawning in. If you aren’t going to get the server crashes fixed then you could at least mitigate the damage caused by them! Sorry if I come off as angry, I put a lot of work into that character just to have it all lost by the dumbest way ever possible.
  11. ApexOutlaw

    Messed up servers

    (For US players) Of the 187 servers currently active since typing this, only 67 are US servers. After testing a bit, about 18 or more servers are unjoinable. So that’s less than 50 servers that are actually playable at the moment. Server cap is at 60 people, so only 3000 people can actually play the game in the US at a time currently... I can say one thing for sure, a lot more than that number is trying to play the game right now. Plus with the high population servers everything is looted, so new players are starving constantly. Fix the servers devs, the guns and inventory issues can wait.
  12. ApexOutlaw

    I had a great first run until...

    Yea but the current state of the servers at the moment is really bad, it’s either the server is over populated and has a 20+ queue or it’s broken. The server crashes were easy to deal with at first when there were over 400+ active servers, but now the number is less than half of that and even worse half of the current servers aren’t even letting you join. When you join a populated server everything lootable within a 5 km range is picked dry. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have climbed the crane, definitely wasn’t worth it at all. But this has been a problem with the game since the beginning, and they can easily implement something like my suggestion into the game. EDIT: Bohemia Interactive, you asked for feedback, your server list is shit at the moment for Xbox One and your “patch” did nothing. THOUSANDS of people in the US are trying to play right now on only less than 60 US servers. You need to get on top of this right now!