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Everything posted by DXM

  1. DXM

    Second xbox profile

    The only fix I've found so far is to sign in/jump in a server with 2 separate Xboxes, and make sure you log in with the "main" profile first... It seems to be caused by leaving player queues when both profiles are signed in on one Xbox
  2. I have multiple gamertags on the same console controlling the same character data. Example: gamertag A's character (signed in to give xbl permissions) is being controlled by gamertags B and C It seems to be caused by backing out of a server queue as gamertag B/C etc., while gamertag A is signed in in the background. I created multiple gamertags and recreated the issue, and also avoided the issue with a fresh gamertag by staying in queue until loading in. I moved gamertag A's character to different locations, logged out/in and this new location was always reflected with gamertags B/C etc. ________edit_______ Workaround: If you have access to another console, logging in profile A on console #1 and then logging in profile B/C on console #2 solved the issue, now all profiles have separate characters. HOWEVER, backing out of a queue causes the issue to reappear the same as the example above