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About dallinevans

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  1. dallinevans

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Yes, i do consider my self a developer as i work for a pretty big network company developing their linux kernal for the units and also have a background in running a hosting company and developing software/websites. I am just simply implying the methods he uses and how he rolls out these updates isn't the way i or many other people in this field would. Oh and saying 'It works for him" is a bit over the top, is it REALLY working for him ? almost every update has caused more bugs then it has fixed.
  2. dallinevans

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Arrogance and ignorance combined. Make it yourself if your the expert.... Thats the way i roll :'D Plus im not saying i can develop a mod like this im just simply saying the way he is going about the updates is not a way i or MANY other devs would do it.
  3. dallinevans

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Fix 2 issues and create 10 more bugs so what happens when he fixes more issues ? 10x more bugs... Fix all current bugs for all current content before adding/majorly changing anything... Any dev should know this Anyway its nice to see you trying to sort out all the problems that have come up after the update. Keep it up!
  4. dallinevans

    Contacting Rocket ?

    Ill try PMing a member from the dev team and just hope he reads this thread(:
  5. dallinevans

    Forum > Outbound Mail

    Hi, iv had a few people complain to me about registering and not getting their activation email. I have a feeling this is somewhat due to CF or the server change ? Anyway, just thought i would let you guys know that any new members would be having a hard time at the moment :')
  6. dallinevans

    Contacting Rocket ?

    @Staff I was just wondering if there is a more direct way i can quicky make a proposal to Rocket ? I just want to fun a few things by him and see what he thinks. Before anyone links me to the contact page, don't bother, i know they will only skim those emails and the chances of mine being looked at are very low. And the reason i want to contact him is because me (Owner of dotXia and working under the CEO of a very large networking company) and a friend (A very skilled NZ website developer) would like to run some ideas by Rocket.
  7. dallinevans

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I was only kidding guys, calm your tits. But good work on the quick plans for a fix for the issues, its great to see you guess working so quickly to keep things running smoothly..
  8. dallinevans

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    100$ says you fuck up again.
  9. So, i own www.dxgaming.com.au and www.dotxen.com a network based around gaming mainly targeting AUS/NA players. Im in the mist of starting a clan and a server for DayZ and was wondering how many people would be keen to get involved in the clan and use the server. The server will be US based simply because AUS/NZ doesn't have any cheap enough servers to handle DayZ and the ping to the US is barely noticeable in game. The clan will be ranked so we will have people with more authority then yourself, this will give our clan/squad a more realistic war/survival feel. We will have dedicated times to when we go on little 'missions' and 'raids' and have our own server to call home. Sooo thoughts ?
  10. dallinevans

    Super excited for!

    Meele weapons is going to be a great addition and will add a whole new element of stealth to the game. As for the performance increase im eager to see what aspects of the mod will run better.