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Everything posted by B1ueMorph0

  1. B1ueMorph0


    Have you got the sickness symbol?
  2. B1ueMorph0

    Xbox - Update 1.05 - Vaulting/scaling

    If you read further down about what’s been added it says Added: Vaulting and Climbing enable players to pass obstacles up to 2,30 meters high (exception for base fences, gates, and watchtowers)
  3. B1ueMorph0

    Cool vehicle to add

    Yep I just want a bicycle. Start off with the frame, locate chain, wheels and oil. Maybe also a seat. Perfect for those countryside views.
  4. B1ueMorph0

    Space in Bag for Magazine reloads

    Sometimes pressing Y for me works for reload and then sometime when I really need it work work, I press Y and it just cycles through my quickbar wheel. Then I die!
  5. B1ueMorph0

    Sickness without coughing?

    Did u have clean hands when u drink water? If u have blood on your hands and drink or eat you can get ill.
  6. B1ueMorph0

    Karma done hit hard

    Yep, people have tried all sorts of options such as antibiotics, saline bags, sitting by the fire. Nothing seems to work for hours.
  7. B1ueMorph0

    Karma done hit hard

    Death is the current cure :(
  8. B1ueMorph0

    Merry Xmas Dayzers

    Have a great day today and maybe try not to KOS. Have a chat with your fellow survivor and trade a bit of gear or even give them a Xmas present. See you in the cherno Em x
  9. B1ueMorph0

    Merry Xmas Dayzers

    My Christmas Day consisted of finally getting a car going and speeding through the villages at 70kpm until I got a connection lost error. Logged back in to a dirt track miles away from where I got kicked! NO CAR! Ran back as fast as my little legs would carry me to find my car just sat in the middle of the road. Pushed the pedal to the metal and got out of there to find a hiding spot.
  10. I say take away the starting loot. I like the panic of trying to find a drink and food. It makes you lazy at the beginning with this starter loot.
  11. B1ueMorph0

    Seems friendlier?

    Erm not sure on this one. After death (death by zombies) respawned, went straight into the village to the well. Noticed some kind soul had activated a land mine next to it. So was drinking away from it. Stood up and wham, sniped from hill! Dead. Whats the point of that, I’m new spawn, don’t have any gear to take. Back down to the beach and off I went again.
  12. B1ueMorph0

    Endless wound sewing.

    To patch backpacks, I put the leather sewing kit on the floor. Then put the backpack in my hand. Hover over the kit and it gives the option to patch.
  13. B1ueMorph0

    having trust issues

    Tell me about it, bumped into a new spawn who said he had just been killed. I wasn’t too well kitted but had a scorpion gun in my bags. We ran along the coast together for a while. I gave him a drink and food. Chatting along. He asked if I had rope which I did and gave it him. Running some more he said he needed to get back to his base where his mate had got his gear and was waiting. Running some more and then he asked to stop to mess about with something in his handheld dry bag. In the distance from the left I saw a guy running towards had half ghillie on his head with gun in hand. I kept saying to the guy messing with his stuff “there is a guy coming from behind with a gun raised”. No response, I said it 3 more times, with no response. I pulled out my scorpion, and the ghillie guy raised his gun to me. As there was no communication from either even though the guy had been chatting to me for ages. It felt like he had gone into party chat. I shot my little scorpion, the guy then opened fire with his M4, hit me a few times but I blasted him with the scorpion. Dead. The other guy finally starts speaking and says “that’s my buddy” how did U kill him and he didn’t kill you” I said to him that I didn’t know and I called out 3 times. He then went mute and started collecting the bits on the dead guy. I though in my head. “Think I should run”. So slowly jogged and after a while I saw him come up behind me and just killed me. Didn’t have chance to raise my gun this time. So morale of the story is don’t just assume this girl can’t handle a gun ;)
  14. B1ueMorph0

    XBOX ONE X Lag/Processing/Connection?

    Yes, I can confirm. I have Xbox one x and have the same issues as you. As we are on the X I assume we are getting the higher graphics for 4K which might cause it to struggle and take time to render objects. This happened on the X with pubg and in the end they lowered certain graphics to help it run smoother on the X and for things to render in more quickly. Hopefully when the dev team can get it better optimised the render issues etc will be resolved. Fingers crossed.
  15. B1ueMorph0

    Constructive bug finding and feedback

    If anyone would like to add, hopefully the devs will see this. Issues I have found so far with this update: * when having a gun in your hand and a mag in your inventory, using Y doesn’t reload the weapon. It just cycles through items on your quickslots - on some occasions. * while in your inventory pressing down on your right stick does not open/close container. * your can only wring out your jacket, put trouser, hat or gloves in hand and there is no option to wring those out. * I’m sure look zoom was on the left bumper. It’s now on the right and sometimes when I press it my character throws a punch. * head torch, you can turn it on. But when you seem to equip it to head there doesn’t seem to be a light source. * After a while in a server the zombie sounds disappear. It’s like they are in a silent film running at you. * click down on the left stick to change fire mode. It requires quite a few clicks for it to register * you can no longer slide down ladders. * Input lag when moving inventory around.
  16. B1ueMorph0

    Power generator

    Has anyone managed to get a power generator working? I’ve got one, filled it up with fuel. Plugged in a spot light but there doesn’t seem to be a switch on the generator to put it on. Anyone?
  17. B1ueMorph0

    Constructive bug finding and feedback

    Updated with some more finds
  18. B1ueMorph0

    Power generator

    Yeh, but into some people who said it was missing a spark plug. I haven’t even seen one yet.
  19. B1ueMorph0

    A list of Sunny Servers

    Currently on NL 3663933 daytime and sunny.
  20. B1ueMorph0


    I really am loving the coldness feature. It has really changed the way I play especially in the rain. Rather than just running to my destination I’m having to take it slower. I got absolutely drenched and my temperature bar went to dark blue. So my character is currently sat inside a house, I have made a fire at the fireplace and I’m getting myself all warmed up. We just need a feature to be able to sit at the fire now. Rather than just crouch.
  21. B1ueMorph0


    I activated my heat pack, put it in my jacket and it showed as blue and -1 Celsius. So that can’t be right. It didn’t help to warm me up.
  22. B1ueMorph0

    Ballistic vest pouches

    I’ve found the ballistic press vest which has pouches if that’s the one you mean.
  23. B1ueMorph0

    Found a daytime server! (11/24/18) Post it!

    I’ve just logged off as the daytime Server I was on began to rain and get dark :( I was in NL 933
  24. B1ueMorph0

    Our bases..

    They did say don’t get attached to any bases you build as there will be likely more resets and wipes.
  25. B1ueMorph0

    Thought they said there would be less rain...

    Glow sticks are pretty cool in the dark.