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About starscream66

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. starscream66

    Bugged Weapons

    So, 1.0... bugged weapons are still a very common thing. When Is this going to be sorted? It is completely unacceptable that this is still happening on a fully released game.
  2. starscream66

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    with 2 weeks in between patches are you sure you are still on track to be finished in 3 weeks???
  3. starscream66

    Weather conspiracy

    if you want daytime go to high pop. It's bs I agree, there should be at least 50% day/night. Also Devs, if rain is bugged, turn it off FFS!
  4. starscream66

    Double tap X drops item in hands

    This needs to be changed to something else like hold Y and press down on the d pad or something. This double tap keeps screwing me over and dropping my weapons!
  5. starscream66

    So much rain

    Dear BIS, ENOUGH WITH THE DAMN RAIN ALREADY!!! signed all Chernarus. BTW being fully drenched doesn't add 40 freaking lbs of weight, that is 10 gallons of water you psycho's.
  6. Losing controller connection through timeout, dead batteries or moving outside of range renders the in game controls inoperable after reconnecting the controller. Most games have a prompt asking the user to press A to reconnect controller. It is very annoying going for a bathroom break and having to restart the entire game because the controller timed out.
  7. starscream66

    Xbox Players Please Read!

    Restart your xbox to see the 700mb update :)
  8. starscream66

    FEEDBACK NEEDED: Servers not showing in the server browser

    Hey devs, the servers are in a terrible state atm. Only 245 servers available to me and 50% of them have less than 20 population. Every time I try to join one, it loops back to server browser. If i join a server that has 30+ population it has a queue 15-30 players. Then if you wait for 15-20 mins and join you only get 10-20 mins before the servers lag out. Not really what a $40 investment should look like. Hopefully you can fix the servers to a half playable state soon.