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About addicted2code

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    On the Coast

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  1. addicted2code

    Anyone find a vehicle?

    So I am curious if anyone has found a vehicle yet... I've seen a few threads started on this and so far nothing. My buddies and I scouted since Friday, many hours each day, no luck. Had a ton of fun, love the new update, but I am starting to think vehicles don't exist LOL. Would love a witness to say they found one...
  2. addicted2code

    Weather conspiracy

    I am not sure that's the concept. I feel the rain/night is pretty clearly intentional. The fact that only a few high-pop servers had day/limited night made that clear when coupled with all the winky faces Nitro mentioned above. I think they did this to force people to work on base building and vehicle finding in populated servers. Too many people run off to low-pop to get gear and now base building items. So they intentionally over-complicated it and I think that's perfect if that was the case. It drives me nuts how many people sneak off to get stuff without risk, sort of ruins the game play. Especially when those same people come back and just spawn hunt. I can't wait until disease and temp impact is back (not just effects) so peoples biggest struggle would be the elements versus other players.
  3. addicted2code

    This is the reason for the bacon bug

    I don't think that is it though. If I don't eat the tactical bacon (I stopped for the last day and a half to test it) and just eat cooked meat or peaches, I don't throw up. It's only after eating a whole can of tactical bacon and it's only once. So I don't think it's sickness, as most people here seem to have the same symptom. My guess is it's just bugged out, as a single can shouldn't do that. I did report it on the feedback tracker for the dev team to look at it. Right now, it does no damage, my concern is when they fully implement sickness and this happens it makes you lose hydration and food.
  4. addicted2code

    This is the reason for the bacon bug

    Is anyone else puking when they eat tactical bacon? I can't figure out why my character does that. Never happened in PC .63 when I played experimental (was before the content patch) but on XBOX, since day one, my character pukes when I eat tactical bacon. Whether i am in the red/yellow or gray when I eat it, he pukes. No stomach icon shows up. It doesn't decrease my water or food. I do eat it raw, no cooking, not sure if that's it.
  5. addicted2code

    Quick Magazine Reload [RESOLVED]

    How do you switch magazines on the XBOX? In PC, you just assigned a magazine to a hotkey and held that key, it swapped it. I can't figure it out on XBOX. If I hit Y when I am out of ammo, it just puts a single round in not a full magazine. RESOLUTION NOTES: There is on quick way to reload from the quick bar, however I have found that if you simply drop a magazine on the ground and look at it (while holding your gun) you can hit right trigger to drop the mag in the weapon and load a new one. Much faster than manually dropping and loading, but still not as fast as a hot-bar selection. Another discovered solution is if you have a "quick vest" or quick access pockets on your jacket (military jackets) and assign a magazine to a quick slot, when you hover over it and hit B on the controller it will auto-replace the magazine. This can only happen if you're wearing gear that permits "quick access" - if it's in a backpack or your pants pocket, it won't auto-swap. Really cool design actually.
  6. addicted2code

    Hunting - Can it happen?? [RESOLVED]

    Thanks for sharing. I've just spent the last 2 hours slowly going through woods and not a thing :( I was north west of ropka , in the wide open fields. Even hung around water for 20m with nothing. Just out of curiosity, where were you when you saw them (if you remember)?
  7. addicted2code

    Hunting - Can it happen?? [RESOLVED]

    Resolution Notes: I have run into wolves, deer, chickens, and sheep so far. So it is there, it's just very rare. All random locations. awesome stuff! Original Post: Question for the XBOX release... is hunting possible/worth it? I know that in .63 content you could slowly go around the woods and eventually find wildlife to eat. Is that the case with the XBOX release? I ask because I don't want to run around the woods for 5 hours hunched over only to find out animals don't spawn in this yet for hunting. I've been in the woods, going real slow, sometimes sitting still for quite a while for the past 60m on a server. Not a single animal.
  8. addicted2code

    XBOX Functionality Questions

    Thanks for the quick reply. Good to know they are on XBOX. I assumed so since it was on stress content patch on PC. Guess I'll just keep looking :) Seems the old maps that show livestock don't have them nearly as much as they used to.
  9. addicted2code

    XBOX Functionality Questions

    Love the xbox release of DayZ! Super happy with it. A couple questions around it though, they I can't figure out: 1) How do you freelook? 2) How do you hold your breath while shooting? 3) Are there cows? If so, where? Thanks! EDIT: I assume there is no freelook or holding breath. I've tried everything, dug through forums, etc... I have found cows though. Just random.