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Everything posted by -Kazaki-

  1. -Kazaki-

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    Ya we have been unable to find any too rain and night doesnt bother me too mutch, game feels alot better bar the fps drops and textures inventory is way better too, but noticed too sometimes you cant equip anything in hands and have to go to a diff server and then back to the home serv to fix this issue. Is there a hold breath button? Noticed you can no longer switch shoulder is third peraon too, wish there was fpp only servers too cant wait for them.
  2. -Kazaki-

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    So has anyone found a car yet? We have checked all locations on izurvive app and not one car its been a long nite but we checked them all, spawns broken or diffrent spawn locations?