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Everything posted by Roggle

  1. Post or Pm me the application below Skype: ViceLike Age: 21 In-game: Roggle Country: Canada Player Type medic
  2. Post or Pm me the application below Skype:ViceLike Age:21 In-game: Roggle Country:Canada Player Type Medic
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O945ofd9ZQ
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O945ofd9ZQ
  5. Roggle

    Camp Fire Massacre Video

  6. Put your Skype, ill msg you and we shall play. 16+ if possible thanks
  7. Roggle

    Looking for an M249 W/ Ammo

    i have the M240 but no rounds if your interested
  8. Today me and my friend may have achieved the most evil thing in dayz, let me tell you about it My friend and i had picked up a random ghillie suit wearing player on the coast.We had a van. He did not have a weapon and we learned from him ( through his voice ) that he was 13 years old, and his name was Cody. He told us he was happy for the ride and told us he had been loot hoping for over two hours for his ghillie suit. I had the worlds greatest idea, I told him we had a massive camp WAAY up north and that he could borrow some of our stuff. We went way off the map, I watched 4 episodes of my name is earl on my ipod. Once i got bored of driving I stopped the van and told Cody to get out. "welcome to your own person hell" i said "where is the camp" said Cody It took him a few seconds to realize what was happening and i could sense the distress in his voice "What are you guys going to shoot me, pleeasse dont" "I said no much worse" Just at that moment he understood "NO YOU CANT DO THIS" He pleaded and cried We drove away With no respawn enabled Cody, without a compass or map. Cody may be stuck in his own personal hell forever. But that is the price he pays for loot hoping and taking rides from strangers .
  9. Roggle

    The Cruelest Act

    haha this guy is pissed
  10. Roggle

    The Cruelest Act

    i was thinking about it afterwards but lucky i did not. Cause then he could respawn
  11. Roggle

    The Cruelest Act

    This fourm is not about my name is earl, because that show is great and there is nothing you can say that would prove otherwise
  12. I would like the community to answer this question. Have We Paid For Dayz?
  13. i was skyping with him about to heal him and he left the call /: Carefull healing this guy i think something fishy
  14. Me and my friend came across a two satchel charges, don't know what to do with it and dont really want it. Anyone is interested in it let me know. Skype "kevinnurzynski" try to copy and paste it haha Willing to trade them both for a sniper, or anything cool really. Skype for details. Cya
  15. Roggle

    2 satchel charges for sale

    sounds fair, add me on skype
  16. Dayz has a serious problem right now, ghosting and it NEEDS to be fixed. My friend and i were shooting a person on top of the firehouse, we hit him a few times and then he logged out, joined a different server, came on top of the building we were on and killed us both, we had no chance, he was right behind us. That is anti-fun and very unfair, please fix it either by making a new character on every server or disabling combat for the person logging in for 20 seconds.
  17. Right now, DayZ is far to easy for anyone thats played it for more then a few hours and has got the basics down. Zombies cant catch you and are no threat once you know how to lose them, all you need is a hill or a building and you can lose them any time you want. This makes sneaking a waste of your time. DayZ map is big, but there are only 3 locations elektro cherno northwest airfield These areas are the only areas worth going to, unless you role play. This is not opinion, but fact. Look at the loot tables. The inland towns have nothing special, nothing to fight over, and are a total waste of time. The DayZ map may look big, but really its just three areas worth your time. Everything else is filler. What I suggest, make the game focused on the threat of zombies since right now ( if you know the basics ) you cant be killed by them -Limit the sprint so you have to catch your breath so you cant just outrun them forever -Make Zombies not have to stop to attack As for the tiny map, make it so the inland towns spawn loot that can only be found there. Make them have a point Now Attack me
  18. Roggle

    Hero of DayZ

    I was near chernogorsk, ran to the back of the fire station to find some loot. I see a guy with an AK and a girl with a pistol going in the back door of the fire station. I go off to the side and type in "You two in there Im friendly please dont shoot" I walk in the back door, they are both standing in the room. They look at me for about 5 seconds, its really tense. I make a sudden move and the guy puts a round into me, i have enough time to scream "please no" into local chat before I pass out. I hear the guy say in voice coms to loot my body. The girl comes up to me, I can see her standing over me She squeals "Oh my god he is not dead, mike heal him" At this point I'm at about 5 thousand blood, and bleeding hard. The man says "If we heal him he is just going to shoot us in the back" They argue for what seems like forever, when suddenly i see something to my right, im blocking the doorway for another person, he manages to get by me. The new player opens fire on the Mike, and kills him. He also puts a round into the girl as well, she drops to the ground. In the fight the new player was also shot, he walks to the front of the fire house, falls over, and dies. I look at my blood, its low. I'm going to die. Then I see movment, its the girl. She is not dead, but hurt bad. She crawls over to me. Legs broken, four fountains of blood gushing from her. I see out of the corner of my eye her bandaging me. She is bleeding everywhere. After what seems like forever I recover and wake up, I immediately scroll over her body as fast as I can to bandage her wounds. But she was already dead.
  19. Good evening my Chernarus In these most troubled times its good to have something to count on, and you my dear Chernarus can count on the Enclave. To restore order and civility to the greatest land on earth, well that's a challenge. You my dear Chernarus can be apart of something bigger then yourself, to restore this country to its former glory. Join the Enclave, help us rebuild and crush those that stand in our way. We will sterilize the scum of Chernarus But for now, my Chernarus, we must part. Restoring the greatest country in the world to its former glory, well, well, heh, heh... Well, that takes time, even for the Enclave Requirements: Skype Blind Loyalty Cold Blood Post Your Skype Info For Interview