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About Roggle

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Roggle

    [Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

    Post or Pm me the application below Skype: ViceLike Age: 21 In-game: Roggle Country: Canada Player Type medic
  2. Post or Pm me the application below Skype:ViceLike Age:21 In-game: Roggle Country:Canada Player Type Medic
  3. Roggle

    Camp Fire Massacre Video

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O945ofd9ZQ
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O945ofd9ZQ
  6. Roggle

    Looking for an M249 W/ Ammo

    i have the M240 but no rounds if your interested
  7. Put your Skype, ill msg you and we shall play. 16+ if possible thanks
  8. Roggle

    The Cruelest Act

    haha this guy is pissed
  9. Roggle

    The Cruelest Act

    i was thinking about it afterwards but lucky i did not. Cause then he could respawn
  10. Roggle

    The Cruelest Act

    This fourm is not about my name is earl, because that show is great and there is nothing you can say that would prove otherwise