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Everything posted by MaNoIN

  1. MaNoIN

    Indirect skill sets

    Dont even think to try to make this game a gay skill/stats hunter crap. Your skill to sneak, shoot, run and save stamina its enough.
  2. MaNoIN

    Help please.

    Everything works fine for me, except when i right click something in my inventory, like a bandage, the menu that is suposed to show up, stay behind the inventory, and i cant click on it. How can i fix it? =/ plz help me
  3. After instaling latest beta, arma 2 co in steam its unavaliable to me, cant start from there, i have to go to arma folder in steam. And my guy will spawn with nothin, no weps, food, nothin, any help? Sry my shit english.
  4. MaNoIN

    2 New problems help plz

    Yes, that one, now i verified integrity of arma Arrowhead files and i finaly got in, but now i cant see my guy, and im back to debug island...lol
  5. MaNoIN

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    I guess this topic is useless, im stiil stuck, tryed dieing a milion times, running, nothin help What do i do now?
  6. yea, his stuff sucks, i got better stuff and i would take a reset to go back playing in half sec
  7. same here..cant believe they dont give us an answer
  8. For 2 days now, im in florest, sometimes with bots or not, tryed every single tip i saw, running everywhere for a milion hours, loging in a 1.7.0 server, and everything is broken in this game, we die more to bugs than to zombies/players, now i lost all my good stuff again(i dont give a shit to it) and i cant even play to get it back. Got the Arma series to play dayz, and im felling that i wasted 30 bucks, yea its alpha, but can at least we see a hope in the end of the tunel? YES EVERYTHING IS UPDATED! so? any tips? i want to play =/
  9. MaNoIN

    Spawning in debug forest and plains

    Hapening with a LOT of ppl, they dont give us a decent answer, or even say that they are working on a fix, right now i fell i wasted 30 bucks
  10. MaNoIN

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    name- Emannuel STEAM_0:1:41769709 im stuck for 1 day in a place with bots no idea whats hapening, some servers alone in woods, even if i respawn i go back there..