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Everything posted by WhiteboytellemTTV

  1. WhiteboytellemTTV

    Xbox update 05/09/2018

    did the inventory get fixed?.........i was just on and i have the alice backpack but it can only hold 11 slots online shows it has 40 slots or am i doing something wrong
  2. WhiteboytellemTTV

    game freezes 5 mins into the game

    every server i get into the game freezes some times with in 5-10 mins into loading in and then i have to quit the game reload only for it to do it again..........devs whats going on here
  3. WhiteboytellemTTV

    Game Update 31/8/18

    Can you guys make it so the drink and food don't run out so fast or have better spawn point if not the up the loot a bit but so far things have been great
  4. WhiteboytellemTTV

    Character Locked In Database

    anyone know why this has happened every server i try i get kicked and then it tells me my character is locked in database