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Everything posted by kbassil

  1. All the sudden, there is no "US100 New Jersey" server. It is completely missing from the list.
  2. We have watched everyone on that list die except for "TallahassZ"
  3. Here is the list of players right now, I believe the hacker is one of these names. Note: I have edited out the names of the guys in my group
  4. 2 other players down. That's 4 insta-killed now.
  5. kbassil

    Hacker on US 328 right now

    <wrong thread, plz delete>
  6. We had 2 people killed, then the rest of us logged off for the night.
  7. Stole one too but it disappeared us100
  8. BEST ******* NIGHT EVER!!!! ------------------------------------------- Quick Version: In a 3 hour period, pantalga and I had this adventure: - find & loot crashed heli - loot factory (near Polana) - spot "Military OffRoad" vehicle... proceed to steal. - get into firefight with 3+ survivors - DOMINATE - Get brand new URL LOADED with gear (pics below) - Enjoy BEST NIGHT EVER in DayZ -------------------------------------------- Longer Version: All night, Pantalga and I wanted to find a vehicle. This was our goal and dictated our actions. Also, my role was sniper/recon (AS50 & M14) and Pantalga was designated loot-runner and heavy MG (M249). Anyway, we started near Gorka and decided to search it and its neighboring towns for a car. Striking out in Gorka, we head to Polana. As I'm checking the town, I notice a downed heli on the south-east side of Polana. Maneuvering around Mt. Dubina, I provide overwatch while Pantalga runs in and loots it (along with a random dead body he finds). Next stop is a factory not too far away. Again, I nestle down in the highest hill in the area, directly across from the factory. As I check due east, I notice a SWEET vehicle poorly hidden on a hill (http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Military_Offroad). Pantalga and I snag it, and bring it close to the factory. Pantalga successfully raids the entire thing and dumps his loot into our new portable/drivable tent that has 120 slots . We begin to head back NW along the road through Polana toward a small gas station we noticed (due east of Gorka). We chose to drive through the woods of Mt Dubina and only after I ran ahead and scouted for bandits. After the all-clear, Pantalga moved in (sticking to the woods). Again, I provided overwatch and general zombie-watching while Pantalga made 5 trips to the gas pumps and back to the truck (thanks to our single jerry can). Just as he's returning and placing the full jerry can into the truck inventory, I hear Pantalga panic, shouting "Another truck! Another truck!" Whereas we had played things stealthy, sticking to the woods, some survivor rolled right into the gas station (with this thing http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Ural_Civilian)and parked at the pump! In no time at all, Pantalga engages with his fully auto M249. With over 600 rounds of ammo, he holds nothing back. The Survivor bailed out of the driver door (opposite us) and ducks down behind the front wheel, keeping us from getting an easy shot on him. I inform Pantalga of the targets location and immediately press "f" to highlight ma 'nade. Just as I release the grenade (slightly overthrowing it) Pantalga yells "ANOTHER vehicle approaching!" and another vehicle rolls up (this one http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/images/f/f1/S1203_van.jpg) with 2 survivors. The van rolls to a stop just as my grenade explodes, which helps change the mind of the driver... he speeds off as fast as he can. Seconds later, Pantalga spots the feet of the lone/abandoned survivor and makes a critical shot. The man crumbles into view, giving Pantalga the angle he needed. Another 5 round burst, and the fight is over. During this skirmish, we used 2 M-14 DMR mags worth of ammo (40 rounds), 1 nade, and around 100 M249 rounds. It is worth noting that Pantalga shot out the front-right tire during the firefight. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR WHAT IS COMING UP (and it was so badass to watch that heavy truck shift its weight as the tire exploded). While the Driver of the truck is down, there are still 2 other unaccounted for. Will they return? Will the flee? There was no telling. We decide to pause a moment and take a look at the map, which provides us with HUGELY important information... the road that the van drove off on loops back directly BEHIND where we were! We could be flanked at any moment from the downward sloping hill to our 6. We decide to put eyes on all parts of the road close to us, so we choose a path through the woods due North of our location and make a bee line there. We inspect a large section of road but find nothing. Satisfied, we begin to return to our spoils (body + new truck). Just as we're coming into view of our Military truck, something in my head tells me there is something amiss... then I notice the Bright blue Ural was not where we had left it, but about 30m higher up a hill. Just as this is all clicking in my head, I see a survivor, not 50m in front of me, in plain view staring at our red truck. I panic and verify that this is not Pantalga, that we didn't get turned around somehow and he reassures me it's not. I let 3 shots fly and all 3 make contact. +1 murder. By this point, we are going nuts... the action is too much to take after so many hours of almost boredom. I run up to check his pack and about pee myself when I see the 3rd survivor 100m up the hill at my 12 oclock, lying prone with his eyes down his irons. I freeze, thanking God I'm in the ghillie... there's no other explanation for how he didn't see me. Anyway, he's also staring at our red truck, undoubtedly trying to surprise us as we return to our vehicles. He didn't even have time to react as the 7.62 DMR round broke through his glasses. Chalk another one up for me. We scan around and finally determine that we can finally breathe. We've just beat a random encounter somehow lucked into flanking an trap set at our original vehicle. Not only that, but Pantalga's accidental shooting of the Ural's tire had prevented the bandits from retrieving their vehicle and running. Talk about luck! But lady luck wasn't done with us yet... We immediately start digging through each player's inventory for goods, certain they will all be racing back to get revenge on us. The first 2 bodies have the usual... medical supplies, ammo, etc. The final body (the first kill, the Driver of the Ural) carried a little something special - Suppressed PP-19 + 4 mags, plus 3 blood bags, GPS, and Antibiotics. This was obviously the ring leader based on his gear. By now, we're giddy. And then I check the gear of the Ural and my jaw hits the floor. There's more stuff in there then I've ever seen at one time. Loads of guns, 11 blood bags, 10 cooked meat, 4 tires, 6 full jerry cans, the list goes on and on! We hit the mother load! That's why they wanted to evac the vehicle so bad, it was a collection of hours and hours of looting... and it is ours! But now we had to get it to safety. Plus, there's the issue with the blown out tires... oh wait! There's 4 in the inventory! We couldn't believe the luck. Once the car was in working order, we evac. We pick a route and do our best to quickly put some distance between us and that gas station. Pantalga drives the red mil vehicle and I handle big blue. Just as our heart rates are starting to slow to normal levels, we realize our problem... the city we're headed toward, the one we HAVE to go through, has zombies in it which means someone is in it! We decide to take the risk and blow through full throttle. Pushing 50, we do our best to weave through debris fields scattered along the road. We're not half way through the town when the shooting starts... rifle and small arms fire rains down on both of us. We count 3 or 4 distinct shots and hope there's no more ahead. Despite some hull and tire damage, we make it through the town unscathed. After all this excitement, we are simply worn out. We decide it's best to find a safe place to hide the vehicles and call it a night. Of course, we spent a few minutes taking the screenshots I link below. All in all, this was about as good as it gets in DayZ. Hope to see you guys in game soon! I uploaded some screenshots of the spoils! http://imageshack.us/g/10/arma2oa2012071601395797.jpg/
  9. I recently found and put on ghillie with 0 problems. running latest BETA and
  10. US 244, was sniping at the NW airfield and watched a player crawl from the firestation to the barracks. Let him loot the barracks, then as he came out I took the shot with my brand new SVD... Direct hit on center mass! Watched blood spew and zombies start chasing the player. I watch the player run into the forest (away from me) and then notice he's ghosting... next thing I know, the zom's all despawn. No confirmed kill in the chat, no +1 murder in debug. WTF?! I thought SVD was 1 hit kill!
  11. kbassil

    us 244 combat logger

    Right, and let's remember I was only crouched, 550 yds away, and using the SVD with a fixed scope. Center Mass was the smart shot in that instance. Man, I can't believe it will take 2 shots... that SVD ammo is as rare as diamonds. I can't go spraying with it!
  12. kbassil

    us 244 combat logger

    I'm certain he Alt-F4'd due to how quickly all the zeds de-spawned. From BOOM to zed despawn was probably 7 seconds... and he stood around for a few seconds realizing wtf happened, so I know he didn't run far enough away... So I'm guessing the SVD's DO NOT, in fact, 1 hit kill? Can anyone confirm?
  13. I just found one. Does it come zero'd at 200m? 300m? Combat zero at 50 & 250?
  14. kbassil

    starting zero for m14 aim?

    thanks for the info... 1 more question. what does "Effective up to 500m" mean? Does that mean it will hit where I point anywhere out to 500m? Or does the bullet drop so significant after 500m that it's not even worth shooting?
  15. kbassil

    The Gray Area

    bump for awesomeness
  16. kbassil

    As50 Or M24?

    He stood up and shot back at me, ran off and bandaged up, then ended up killing me.
  17. kbassil

    Sniper help and avoidance.

    Good post
  18. kbassil

    As50 Or M24?

    I can verify that the As50 is NOT one hit kill. Shot a bandit square in the back at the NE airfield a few days back and watched him crumble. Few seconds later, I see " has died". As I leave my sniper hide, the same guy stands up and fires at me. Long story short, we had a hanger duel and he ended up killing me. That's the last time I only shoot someone once and expect them to die. Go with whichever sniper has the most ammo, i.m.o. and always shoot at LEAST twice.
  19. kbassil

    Thank You Rocket

    +1 here. You're doing an AWESOME job, pal. I mean you have almost 100,000 unique players PER DAY for god's sake. You are having a lasting impact on everyone of us here. I freaking DREAM in DayZ now lol.
  20. Hey guys. Though I'd drop a link to an article I wrote for my college gaming site. I wrote it primarily for non-DayZ'ers, but I think you might enjoy. Link : http://www.aggiegaming.com/introduction-to-dayz/ excerpt: ========================================== DayZ has completely changed the way I look at post-apocolyptic games. It is, hands down, the most engaging, most captivating multiplayer game I’ve ever played. Period. Oh, and one more thing- it’s not even a game by itself. It’s an alpha release of a mod for ARMA II. Yea – I didn’t know what ARMA II was either. Let’s start with the basics. I’m told that ARMA II is a hardcore military simulator. I wouldn’t know. Despite spending $30 for the game (and required expansion) about a month ago, I have not spent an instant in the single player. In fact, STEAM tells me I’ve spent about 58 hours in game. Every second of that has been used to find loot, dodge zeds, or hide from bandits in the DayZ world. Back to my point, ARMA II is successful as a military sim by putting a gun in your hand, allowing you a small bit of player model customization, loads of weapon choices, and a hodgepodge of utility items. These utility items might be a shovel to dig a trench, barbed wire/sandbags you can drop anywhere, compass, map, GPS device, or even night vision goggles. DayZ takes all these little elements and uses them selectively to create one of the most engrossing Doomsday games you’ve ever encountered. -continued at link above (with images) =========================================== Also, we have a small group of n00bs that love to team up. Come join us if you're interested! http://www.aggiegaming.com/forums/index.php?topic=402.0 Thanks guys
  21. kbassil

    Introduction to DayZ (article)

    Yea I try to be original, but sometimes other images just tell the story better than any of mine. And since the point was bringing fresh survivors to the table, I opted for clarity and information over total photo originality. Anyway, thanks for the (semi) complement.
  22. kbassil

    Introduction to DayZ (article)

    Up to around 6 players together. Made it to Airfield and a few crashed helis. Found big "AntiMaterial" sniper, FNFAL, 2 M4A1's and 3 AK's. Been a fun run.
  23. kbassil

    Interactive Chernogorsk Map

    How does this compare to www.DayzMap.info ?
  24. kbassil

    Introduction to DayZ (article)

    I'm sort of the same way. I'd prefer to run solo most of the time, but the way things are getting now, it's best to group up. We currently have a plan to always have 1 guy on overwatch (with sniper), another with short-to-medium range weapons (AR's, AK's, submachine's), and finally another as the "bait". SirDe has offerred to be bait, where he runs full speed through a town with limited gear and pulls all the zeds with him. He runs a big circle, losing the zeds in the surrounding forrest. We then scour the town which is now zed-free! We'll give this a trial run tonight. :)