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About Darazun

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Darazun

    Is this fun?

    Complaining about a game mechanic is not feedback it’s bitching about a mechanic that is in the game , he cant stay alive for more than 30mins , not a very hard thing to do . I know I’ll go complain/bitch about the tested mechanic that’s been in the game for years. No wait I’ll go give feedback on a mechanic that is tried and tested. Everyone is entitled to an opinion , my opinion is he was bitching , enough said.
  2. Darazun

    Is this fun?

    Yes , the game is in preview yet you feel the need to complain about various things , pretty much bitching imo.
  3. Darazun

    Is this fun?

    If they changed the system to only eat/drink every 24hrs then everyone would just be running to nwaf and gearing up. This game ain’t hard to stay alive , I’m on a 2 day char with svd sniper , mp5 , military clothing etc.. I got all the way to balota from bherizeno just scavenging at some towns as I passed through . Now I’m making my way north , and I have read somewhere they are hoping to have vehicles and base building in near end of preview , lol when they do add vehicles yeah good luck as it’s not just hop in and drive , no you’ll probably need to find wheels and car battery and fuel , then you can come back here and bitch about that as well. Have fun and stay healthy .
  4. Darazun

    Svd sniper

    How do you get it to look through the telescopic sight on the svd sniper ?
  5. Darazun


    How do you use a can opener on baked beans How the fk did this game cost so much