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About Dadpool

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dadpool

    Game Update 31/8/18

    Hey devs and players, TOP JOB on making a long awaited experience so smooth and fun. Could the development team look into adding a pubg style auto jog, mainly because I have worn out my left thumbstick from constantly holding up. Unfortunately now going down ladders is a bit of Russian roulette. Reload, inventory management and controller being locked out after changing batteries are the only big issue. Can't wait for vehicles!!!!! ? P.S. What region are NL and RU servers? (I'm in Australia)
  2. Cant play after I was kicked from server after 2min of play. Every server I try to join says 'character locked in database. Paid $53.00 aud for pretty much no game time. Anyone know how to fix it yet?
  3. Dadpool

    Character locked in database

    Mine also. I loaded into a game, lagged quite a bit while doing any movements, then I got kicked due to server connection failure. I restarted the game from xbox home screen, but I keep getting the character locked in database message. PLEASE HELP!