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About Vegie

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Vegie

    Does the Mosin have a mag?

    7.62 and the mosin should have a clip as mag, so you can instant reload all 5 rounds instead of single load them. so you should be able to load the mosin, if it's not bugged like most guns :) mosin in hands open inventory on bullets press B hold RT (i think) to load it
  2. Vegie

    Ammunition Glitches and Inventory Management Issues

    got the same, first i "Bugged" my M4 and then the AKM with a mag inside...back to the Axe :D
  3. Vegie

    Ammunition Glitches and Inventory Management Issues

    That pretty annoying, got a AKM and can't get the ammo full mag in the gun. if i want to combine it: weapon in hands open inventory go on mag and press B nothings happens, but inventory is closed, before it loaded the magin the weapon So if you find a pretty gun, you can be sure to get it bugged and can't use it.. Also when i press + hold A for micromanagement...nothing happens? should it provide some kind of menu for actions?... Please fix the INventory + Weapons asap, not making any sense to look for new loot if i can't get it, cause for me it looks like the tetris inventory management is still in place, but we can't see if. for example: placed tactical bacon (mmhh bacon..) in my vest tried to put the akm in inventory, not working.. dropped tactical bacon tried again to put the akm in my inventory and goes into the vest tried to pick up tactical bacon and goes into vest (!!) so makes no sense, looks for me like the tetris inventory management without the actual visual. pretty lame :/ BUT great work with the engine it runs damn good and still looks pretty :)