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Everything posted by Matt20714

  1. Matt20714

    Please Make Night Darker Again

    Agreed. Needs to be darker again.
  2. Matt20714


    Agreed like the OP said. Maybe just 1 or a few servers to be an option. My brother plays on PC and I on Xbox so it’s def constant wishful thinking.
  3. Matt20714

    There's a point where realism gets in the way of fun.

    “Realism” is the reason I play this game. It’s unique and unlike any other. Within its history, it seems the devs have stuck to this original goal and that’s what makes the game what it is. They get off their strict prerogative, catering to an individual’s wants, needs that ultimately strays away from that origin, and it becomes something else altogether. I’m also a player that uses the in game tourist map, not an app on my iPhone. I’m THAT guy. To each their own. Just my .02.
  4. Matt20714

    Peace on the beaches

    I have a one year old so my play sessions usually are pretty short with having to do the IRL stuff. I play alone, so usually avoid contact and just have little session goals...like build a fire in a scenic location, scour the edge of the map for stashed loot, search for specific items, etc. I live a simple life. As of recent, surprisingly, the geared people I meet have been friendly and the fresh spawns want to take me out seeing they having nothing to lose. Target of opportunity I guess. I’m sure the dynamic will change, always does. Never know what you’re gonna get.
  5. Matt20714

    At my wit's end

    Same, but all I see are people skipping around. Pretty much everyone I see is lagging. It can’t be everyone but me (or that have a series x), surely!? I don’t ever remember it being this bad when I played on my base Xbox or one x on previous updates.
  6. Matt20714

    At my wit's end

    Yeah, the lag wasn’t this bad before. I’m not sure if it got bad with the 1.10 update or what, but I feel and experience the same. I’m playing on a wired 1000mbps series x. Game plays smooth as silk until I see another player or sometimes zombies. Other players just skip, hop...zombies teleport. It’s terrible. PC isn’t in the cards for me so I’ll just sit here and take it. Hopefully it can get sorted out.
  7. Matt20714

    Dayz Xbox One Full Server Lag Problems

    And does anyone know if there is a way to check server quality on Xbox? The only detail I see is occupancy...no server quality/health.
  8. Matt20714

    Dayz Xbox One Full Server Lag Problems

    It loads quicker and runs smoother (series x), but has degraded for me in the last month it seems. Im running into all these issues listed by the OP. Im in the USA and have tried all 3 local servers (MI, NY, CA). Same results. My connection is fiber 120 mbps up and down.
  9. Matt20714

    Dayz Xbox One Full Server Lag Problems

    Exactly this! I’ve been playing Dayz from day 1 early access on Xbox and I swear I haven’t witnessed this much lag and shenanigans. It seems like it started within the last month for me which doesn’t make too much sense. I haven’t seen too many comments (a few hear and there) regarding these issues so I thought it might of been me somehow. My connection has always been good and unchanged. I’m playing on a series x. I’ve weathered every bug/issue this game has thrown at me since Xbox release, but this is almost unplayable at the moment.
  10. Matt20714

    Everyone on here is so toxic.

    I’ve had a mixed bag of interactions. It does get frustrating with the frenetic KOS ruts you can find yourself in, but you just rinse/repeat and eventually you’ll have a story to tell at some point. This game creates some dynamic adventures you can’t find anywhere else.
  11. Matt20714

    Enjoyable and fun!

    Today I got on since the latest update. I was one of those guys that put it down after the duping overtook and destroyed the game. (I’m 35, full-time job w/baby on the way and don’t have time to deal with the Mickey Mouse) With that being said, I had a ton of fun today. When this game plays how it’s intended to...it’s absolutely sublime. To piggyback off another members post, it felt like the Dayz of old. Really did. I love this, but can’t help but be pessimistic about future duping, if it’s not happening already... By and large my go to video game and just wanted to get this sentiment out. Protect and support this baby Bohemia!!
  12. Matt20714


    I know the duper topic is beat to death, but I just experienced it first hand and quit the game after I emptied out the 20-30 tents full of gear right on the coast. It killed it for me. I’m 34 and have adored this game at every play session I can get, but it’s absolutely broken and pointless to play while this Mickey Mouse is occurring. I play methodically while cherishing every little insignificant piece of loot I obtain. That’s what makes it fun for me. The thrill of the hunt. Man im pissed. Can’t do it y’all. I have no inspiration to play after seeing it firsthand. What a gut punch. #endrant
  13. Matt20714

    OG Xbox performance

    I have an OG and X and barely notice a difference. Plays and looks great on both. Granted on the X, you have 4K graphics but the OG still holds it weight. The X isn’t God. I play more of the base Xbox because it’s in my bedroom anyways.
  14. Matt20714

    Vehicles confirmation

    Yeah, it’s felt like I’ve been searching for Sasquatch or a unicorn.
  15. Matt20714

    Range finder

    I’ve gotten the sense that a lot of bugs are sporadic and inconsistent. I’ve had things work for me that haven’t for others and vice versa.
  16. Yeah, that’s a good theory that I can agree with, thus I’ve only been joining maxed out servers.
  17. Matt20714

    Day time servers

    I just find the most populated and wait for a slot to open up. Then I get on a cliff and take pot shots at people looting mil bases and watch them scatter. At least what I’ve been doing this evening.
  18. Matt20714

    Regarding bases and building (dev's read)

    Yup, the depth and difficulty is what draws me to this joker. Reap what you sow.
  19. Matt20714

    Regarding bases and building (dev's read)

    It adds to all that much more caution. Make it easier, make it like the mainstream. Don’t float the mainstream.
  20. Matt20714


    I got on and was instantly killed haha.
  21. Matt20714

    Crawling zombies

    Yea I had an invisible one chase after me in a hospital. All I heard was running footsteps. Freaked me the hell out.
  22. Matt20714

    A list of Sunny Servers

    Still a little too dark for me, I ran for 45 mins and ended up looping back around to the same spot I logged in. The chances.
  23. Matt20714

    A list of Sunny Servers

    Ha, this the cow bell I was looking for. 4308 here I come.
  24. Matt20714

    Chest holster

    Are these holsters functional in any way or just add aesthetic immersion?
  25. Matt20714

    Great friday night...and i mean NIGHT

    With all bugs aside, I’ve had a blast today finding all the new items and loot. So cool of the potential depth when it’s all incorporated and works as intended. As as far as night goes, I found a head lamp and threw a battery in it...I ended up running around like an angel sent from heaven with an orange orb 5 ft in the air above my head. Advising not to use this item until it’s debugged. Hey, here I am! Shoot me! I’m right below this bright orange orb.