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Everything posted by Matt20714

  1. Matt20714

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    What I don’t fully understand was that it’s prospective release was today, yet it’s a national holiday here in the U.S. Who would even be at work to certify from Microsoft’s perspective? I’m not privy to all information, but I’m going off this nations history and common sense. Maybe they have some employees outsourced to North Korea?
  2. Matt20714

    Basebuilding and cars on thursday 22nd!!

    So pumped. It’s like they don’t want us to celebrate thanksgiving or something.
  3. Matt20714

    Dayz next update with Mouse and keyboard support?

    Better be separate or I’m out unfortunately. That would break the game for me. Here’s hoping!
  4. Matt20714

    What a time to be alive

    I remember playing doom on my 64 bit jaguar listening to offspring on a radio cassette.
  5. Matt20714

    Thrill is Gone

    Baby steps. Is what it is. I’ve been playing other games in the meantime to fill the void.
  6. Matt20714

    Thrill is Gone

    I just look forward to the updates and how incredible the end product will be...if it materializes for me...or my great grand kids.
  7. Matt20714

    Map Border

    This. My fiancé and I would come up with strategy on how to run and grab our backpacks all the time in the radiation zone. Don’t ask me why it happened more than once! ?
  8. Matt20714

    Night!! It's so scary

    Cautious, he’s one of those keyboard ninjas. They’re extremely tough and should not be trifled with. You’re lucky he ignored you because they attack by typing in web forums!
  9. Matt20714

    Night Time is Garbage

    Yay for nights! There’s a game called PUBG and it sounds like it would suit y’all. Yay for an actual survival experience! Yay for nights!
  10. Matt20714

    Unplayable frame drops in bigger cities (OneX)

    I play on the one x and have also noticed considerable frame rate drop/lag since the most recent update. Seems to to happen while ADS’ing with a scope (any) and other times at complete random. I feel like it didn’t do this before the lastest update, but I am also a lot more geared up and have found more scopes since, so I can’t get a more accurate account as some.
  11. Matt20714

    DayZ Youtubers?

    Years ago Frankie started it all for me. I’m a railroad conductor and always out of town a lot, so I’d watch his vids all the time while at hotels.
  12. Matt20714


  13. Matt20714

    Dont buy this game.

    That’s just like your opinion, man. anyways, working great for me. Highly recommend!
  14. Matt20714

    A word of advice

    Same. It’s met all my expectations. I play a lot of video games and this is probably my holy grail that finally came to fruition on console.
  15. Matt20714

    Hero vs Bandit Play Style

    Yeah, with 99% of my previous encounters being a victim (when I try and approach in a friendly manner), I am sticking to the shadows and staying out of sight. I won’t hesistate to shoot first and ask questions later if someone runs up on me. I’ve accumulated way too much gear in addition to a knight helmet I found in a deer stand. Yes! I’d like to be more of a hero and have more dynamic conversation, but as what was said above, people are just too volatile at the moment.
  16. Matt20714

    Broken/save your money

    No issue here. US and play US. Having a blast and knew what was expected when paying that $40.
  17. Matt20714

    Scope sway?

    May have been asked before, but is there any way to control breathing and/or scope sway?
  18. Matt20714

    Anyone else run into the duplication glitch?

    Yup, had one AKM...then I had twins.
  19. Matt20714

    Scope sway?

    It’s bugged when I go prone with a scope. You can’t see bc the scope is inside my body. I’ve tried over and over...I’ve just crouched bc I figured it was a bug that’ll get sorted...
  20. Matt20714

    Server Hopping, Spawn Delay Fix?

    Yeah, it’s ridiculous.
  21. Matt20714

    Server Hopping

    I’d like to think that it isn’t normal and not part of the structured game mechanic. With all the bugs and wonkiness, I’m hoping stuff like that will get circumvented with patches.
  22. Matt20714

    Burying loot!

    Yeah I was burying and digging up a dry sack last play session. I happened upon the que by accident. I’m going to wait on updates and strengthened server integrity before I even think about burying something worthwhile.
  23. Matt20714

    First Player Encounter (Funny)

    Yeah, I found my first friendly player this evening. There is hope for humanity! We looted together for several minutes and then the server timed out ?. It was short lived...
  24. Matt20714

    Favorite Weapons

    With all the buggyness I can’t give a good assessment. I’ve only had the AKM and U-70 with ammo though. Being a noob to Dayz, i’m still satisfied with any gun I can find ammo for...
  25. Matt20714


    Yeah, no joke. That’s how I’m playing now too. I was pretty geared up looting the container ship and a guy was making his way towards me and I just put a round in him center mass. He started sprinting down off the ship with a quickness. I hesitated in the past, so now I leave nothing to chance.