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Everything posted by Tylerall5

  1. Tylerall5

    a card would be nice!

    If you use “iZurvive” the towns will have the Russian spelling right below the English spelling making it easier to navigate.
  2. Tylerall5

    People are ruthless!

    I’ve tried being friendly but for some reason the proximity chat doesn’t seem to work. I even leave parties and try but the other person doesn’t respond even after me telling them how to do so. But I was at the military camp near Staryoe and saw a looted guy. He seemed friendly enough but he was looted to the brim. I decided not to trust him and as he turned his back I unloaded my Makarov into his head. Good thing I did as he had human steak in his inventory, I was probably going to be next lol
  3. Tylerall5

    Magazines and reloading not working

    Try hovering over the mag in you’re inventory, just how you would when you’re loading a mag with ammo, and exit and press Y with your gun in hand. It might not be a glitch but rather the games terrible UI.
  4. Tylerall5

    Magazines And Ammo

    One of my major gripes about dayz is that for some reason the mag never spawns with a gun, it’s like this on pc as well. I have no idea why someone would keep a gun without a mag. Anyways, magazines are about as rare as the gun, on the Xbox I have so far found a few Makarov mags(or whatever it is called in game) two m4s that has mags equipped which was a pleasant surprise plus another laying around, and two ak mags. In order to load them you must place the mag in hand, hover over the ammo, exit your inventory, and then you should see a prompt to hold RT to reload. It’s a process, I know, I hope it gets resolved. Hope this helped you
  5. Tylerall5

    Topic needed for tips on crafting

    In order to cook your food you must: A) build a fire. This can be done by chopping a tree and using the sticks with tags to make a fireplace. You then use matches or a fire starter kit to light it. B) make a pointy stick by sharpening another stick with a sharp object. C) Lastly you must attach the meat to the stick and hold it over the fire.
  6. Tylerall5

    FEEDBACK NEEDED: Servers not showing in the server browser

    I’m also having the issue of not being able to join servers. I also have experienced massive rubber banding to the point where I was flung halfway across the map. It was quite amusing until I died and lost an M4 and full military equipment. I also have picked up an attachment, I assume it’s a sight, that doesn’t display what it is or a description. Also it won’t let me fill my bag all the way up, it will say I have 20/XX but won’t let me pick up anymore. I have played the pc version so I know that items take up slots and you have to puzzle them away but it won’t display on the Xbox like that. I would also like to see a more user friendly UI as simple tasks like switching clothing, eating food, or even reloading a magazine is quite time consuming.