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Everything posted by monkey1989

  1. monkey1989

    FEEDBACK NEEDED: Servers not showing in the server browser

    i have had no issues playing this game that i can moan about... yh you get a few disconnects from time to time, most of the comments on here must b from very stupid whiny people. Its a game preview ARK and PUBG were terrible compared to this i have travelled from south to past north western airfield n back the back upto airfield over to the east coast to help friends over the last few days nothing to moan about.... well apart from external doors on buildings opening outwards lol????????
  2. monkey1989

    FEEDBACK NEEDED: Servers not showing in the server browser

    not having any issues regarding this thread, just a quuck note...if controller disconnects while in game when you reconnect you cannot control character or press any buttons including start so you will run until you die, gd job on the game so far.