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Everything posted by ED-E

  1. ED-E

    Helicopter crash sites

    Spawned next to 3 yesterday
  2. [attachment=1827][attachment=1828]
  3. ED-E

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    You do know that this not a bug per se' date=' right? [/quote'] maybe you could enlighten us? My thought exacly. If falling from the sky to your death isn't a bug, then tell us... what is it?
  4. ED-E

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    We need a fix for this ASAP ---> http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=19520
  5. You should definitely nobody cares.
  6. ED-E

    Uneven loot distribution

    I agree. Loot is very unbalanced at the moment. I actually made a thread about it a coulpe of days ago. Goes like this: 1) The current state of this mod allows a player go to a deer stand and collect hand grenades, .50 Cal ammo, assault rifles ect. On the other hand, there is no chance to stumble upon a rangefinder in said stand, not even a hunting rifle, even though it would make alot more sense. Likewise you can find Army clothing in civilian homes but not in 'Military' buildings. This is two of many examples of the unbalanced loot system as I see it at the moment. It would be nice if it the item locations would be redone in a future build. 2) I suggest that High end equipment, be it weapons or other forms of gear, would be alot harder to come by. I have, during the last few days, found 9 crash sites for a total of 12 FAL's, the so called 'rarest weapon in the game'. Experiences like this paired with the fact that alot of players could care less if they die, as they can easily get geared up again makes for a valid reason to re-do the spawn probabilities of certain items(if not all). Make the game about surviving, about cherishing every item you find to aid you in doing so, and make high end items feel special, instead of "Oh sweet, an AS50! Oh wait, already got one of those"
  7. Hey guys I'm 28 years old from Denmark. I've been playing alot the last couple of weeks. Only solo so far, but I've really been wanting to group up, but the fact that everybody seems to be killing each other on sight has made me isolate myself in the woods an small villages. I usually play on Norway 1, 2, 3 and 4 for awesome ping, and not to crowded servers. About my playing style: - I try to avoid any contact - Meaning I don't shoot at others just to do it. Defeats the purpose of the game IMO. -I'm somewhat paranoid when playing - always expecting running into a hostile. - I prefer the role of the sniper, providing overwatch and cover from a distance while the group infiltrate and loot. I'm a pretty good aim, and I'm very patient. Could be very nice to group up :)
  8. I was just wondering if you guys (the Dev Team) could give us all a final answer to whether or not the skins are still bugged. And I'm not just referring to the debug forest or ocean spawns, but people have mentioned random deaths while wearing Camo or Ghillie. There are countless different theories to this problem being given on the forum, so It would be appreciated if you guys could settle it once and for all. Thanks.
  9. Are you implying that I'm not testing? I always put on skins when I find them. Have spawned in the ocean, and dropped from the sky because of this(at least I think that's why). Not instanly, but after a period of time. And yet I still put on skins when I find them. This thread was just created with the hope that the Dev team could tell us something final. Something official.
  10. ED-E

    Spawning in the air!

    Did any of you have starting clothes on when this happened? I've spawned in the air twice now, but both times I had on new skins. First time it was camo. Second time it was Ghillie. Think it might be related to wearing skins. But please reply with what you had on when it happened!
  11. Hello fellow survivors. I thought since most of us are looking for different items that others might have, that we could trade with each other, or give stuff we don't need. I myself are looking for a range finder. If you have one of these, and don't really use it, I would love to trade it for something you need. Or accept it as a gift :rolleyes: Let me know if you have one in stock.
  12. ED-E

    Trade me a range finder

    I would like to trade for a range finder as well. Write here or PM me if you got a spare ;)
  13. This is a two-part suggestion regarding the locations where certain items should be able to spawn, and the rarity of these. I will make try to make it brief. 1) The current state of this mod allows a player go to a deer stand and collect hand grenades, .50 Cal ammo, assault rifles ect. On the other hand, there is no chance to stumble upon a rangefinder in said stand, even though it would make alot more sense. Likewise you can find Army clothing in civilian homes but not in 'Military' buildings. This is two of many examples of the unbalanced loot system as I see it at the moment. It would be nice if it the item locations would be redone in a future build. 2) I suggest that High end equipment, be it weapons or other forms of gear, would be alot harder to come by. I have, during the last few days, found 9 crash sites for a total of 12 FAL's, the so called 'rarest weapon in the game'. Experiences like this paired with the fact that alot of players could care less if they die, as they can easily get geared up again makes for a valid reason to re-do the spawn probabilities of certain items(if not all). Make the game about surviving, about cherishing every item you find to aid you in doing so, and make high end items feel special, instead of "Oh sweet, an AS50! Oh wait, already got one of those" Done.
  14. I can only agree. It needs to be much more random and much more rare. But the items should match the location you find them in as well. Hunting rifle, rangefinder at Deerstands ect. Camo clothing/Ghillie at Barracks/hangars.
  15. ED-E

    Helicopter crash sites

    I guess. But in that case it's the frequency of the crashes that should be toned down a bit to make it a rare event, map ot no map.
  16. ED-E

    Helicopter crash sites

    But that's exacly my point. They should be random. The fact that you can make a map predicting where to locate them is an error in the game. I wish that I could say that the map didn't help at all and that they seem to be 100% random and extremly rare. But no.
  17. ED-E

    Helicopter crash sites

    I don't think that they are random at all. In my first 80 hours of playing I was west of Vybor alot and didn't find a single one. In the last 2 days I've tried following the map, which has resulted in 9 crash sites (For a total of 12 FAL's. 4 of them with Nightvision Scope. So much for being 'extremely rare')
  18. Date/Time: 23 June/15:10 GMT+2 What happened: Logged in and spawned mid air, falling to my death (2nd time this has happened) Where you were: In the forest west of Vybor What you were doing: Had just spawned *Current installed version: DayZ 93965 (server had the same) *Server(s) you were on: DayZ - BE 1 ( [VETERAN] *Your system specs: AMD 64x2 4400+ 3.2 GHz, 4Gb ram, 9800 GT 1GB, Windows XP *Timeline of events before/after error: Had played 20+ hours with no problems, then I log in again, fall, and die instantly.
  19. I have had this happen twice. Extremely frustrating af spending so many hours on your character.
  20. Has happened twice to me as well. Both times it has been 20+ hour characters with nice gear. I absolutely love DayZ but this makes me loose motivation to play. Have any of you guys gotten a reset? I have sent at mail, but I'm ont expecting an answer.
  21. Loving the version. Awesome job! The only bugs I've encountered are these: -The first time I logged in after updating, I spawned 100 meters above the spot on the ground where I had logged out from... and fell to my death. -Been through most of the coastal city's and can't seem to find a single hunting knife (Found around 30 watches though) -For some reason I had the GPS function on my map for 2 hours last night.
  22. ED-E

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Will the ARMA2 93965 BETA be required to play the build?
  23. ED-E

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    MEDIC! I need a blood transfusion. Bad. Was down to 429 blood, but have now canned-food eatin my way up to around 2900. I have a blood pack on me, just need some assistance.
  24. Is there any way to roll back to 1.7.0 for the time being?