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Everything posted by ED-E

  1. Loot spawn locations are the same for all servers. It's not the server that dictates where things spawn, but the DayZ codes.
  2. Thanks. Weird though, since hospitals never spawned skins in earlier versions.
  3. Thanks for the replies, but I would like to hear from people who have actually found them after the patch. Not the ones people had in their inventory or tents before updating.
  4. Generally everything seems to be working fine. The only issues I've had upon updating to was having my Ghillie suit replaced by starter skin, and finding that my L85A2 had disappeared from my inventory.
  5. Hey Chard. I updated from to as well with no problems. I have beta 94876. L85 is still in there. Skins seem bugged at the moment though. Hope that helps you out.
  6. Wrong. 94945 works for me and my friends, no problem.
  7. BETA 94945 works for me aswell.
  8. I have a friend on a server right now. He has the 94945 BETA. It's working with no problems for him. Last time he played was on the just for the record.
  9. Why not just use the newest BETA patch 94945?
  10. But is the new BETA 94945 safe to use?
  11. ED-E

    Experimental test patch

    Somebody get to the roof of the police station and light the giant rocket sign up into the night sky. NOW DAMMIT!
  12. ED-E

    Experimental test patch

    I don't see being official yet?
  13. ED-E

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Yeah but still, if you test the 1.7.2 build for 2 weeks before releasing it to the community, why the fuck is it broken as hell? Doesnt make sense. was way better overall. No reason to take a good build and make it worse. This is all fact. Look it up.
  14. ED-E

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    It's now more than 50 hours since the hotfix should have been released. The fact that it didn't is what can happen when coding a hotfix. But PLEASE keep us updated on the progress. I can wait, no problem, but at least let the community know how long we should expect said waiting to last.
  15. ED-E

    Experimental test patch

    Could we get ANY info on the release of the hotfix please?
  16. ED-E

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    @ Devteam. Can you pretty please (with sugar on top) give us an ETA on the hotfix?
  17. ED-E

    Experimental test patch

    Ander, could you pretty please (with sugar on top) give us an ETA on the hotfix?
  18. ED-E

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Plus it takes way from the realism. In a real appocalypse there wouldnt be oceans of barbed wire covering the major city's. It only happens in DayZ, because people are dicks.
  19. ED-E

    We Need Some Lady Zombies

    This mod is all about realism, and being taken out of your comfort zone. Every new build should strive towards this goal. Therefore women and children should be added, no question.
  20. ED-E

    Helicopter Crash Site Map

    Switch, I have more locations that aren't on the map yet. How can I add them?
  21. ED-E

    How to find Crashed Helis...

    I spawned next to 3 heli's a couple of days ago.
  22. You can't just write Yes or No since you need to type at least 5 characters. But since I just did that: No.
  23. In the bug report section a few players, including myself, have experiences with spawning mid-air, falling to the ground and dying. And yet I can't seem to find any mention of it from the Dev team? In my opinion this is one of the most gamebreaking bugs, since you never know if it's gonna end your character the bext time you log in. This isn't a rant, I'm just curious as to weather it is within the ARMA 2 engine or the DayZ mod, and if anything can be done to fix it? It's very demoralizing to die in this fasion when you've put in considerable hours in your character, as there is nothing you can do to avoid it.