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Powell x91

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Everything posted by Powell x91

  1. Powell x91

    Is there a way to ?

    And auto-run? D'ya know? Had it down in troubleshooting questions but yet to get a reply.
  2. Powell x91


    As currently people cant be tied up, once released and active...people have to be unconscious to be tied up or not? Wasted so much rope trying in the current build lol thought we was doing it wrong... Burlap sacks work though, to a certain degree, at least.
  3. Powell x91

    Where are all the zombies?

    They died of thirst and starvation by straying off the tracks... Nah, in all seriousness I think they only spawn in built up areas and the immediate surroundings, plus milly bases etc. Ive seen some wandering stragglers but never really ran into hordes outside of towns or loot locations. Would be ideal if there was spawns for them further afield but pretty sure people would be complaining of too many zeds if they over populated the map as some people are struggling with the basic functions in the current state of the game at the moment anyway.
  4. Powell x91

    ATTN DEVS - Magazine gun glitch

    The other glitch is when there is a magazine attached but wont take rounds from the magazine to the chamber, this can be fixed and is when you follow the steps posted above.
  5. Powell x91

    ATTN DEVS - Magazine gun glitch

    Yes, that 'fix' doesnt always work. The glitch he has is when on the attachment slots for the weapon; the magazine slot is empty but looking at the weapon in game it has a magazine attached; thus not allowing the removement of the magazine by holding A or Y respectively. Literally the weapon has to be replaced; the gun is glitched, not the magazine or ammo etc because the magazines would go on another weapon system of the same type but not the weapon in question. Narrowing the fault down to the weapon not a bugged mag or attachment.
  6. Powell x91

    Items currently in xbox

    USG it's not a UMP being called anything; its just not a UMP.
  7. Powell x91

    when i play i cant talk in game

    You cant say ' what kind of sweeping statement is that?' When.... The point they are saying is if everyone could swicth from party to game without it glithcing then interaction wouldbecome more apparent. Currently, if an interaction happens but the players or even just 1 of them was in a party then the glitch/issue stops people from switcing chats and communicating. On PC people use teamspeak etc for party but when close by then can use game chat etc etc so interaction will be in game with more frequent voice comms once the ability to change chats works in the server and doesnt force you to join the server whilst in game chat to speak in game chat.
  8. Powell x91

    Burying loot!

    Fucksake...we got a dude to dig his owm grave and couldnt get him in it LOL so we had to kill him first then interact with his body using the shovel? Wheres the fun in that HAHAHAHA
  9. Powell x91

    Your shadow always points North West

    No, i was being serious about the infantry lol wasnt making an in game joke, half the time spent in the infantry is on exercise in the wet and cold, living off the land lol 5 years from leaving school taught me that haha
  10. Powell x91

    Your shadow always points North West

    Thought you was explaining what its like in the infantry then
  11. Powell x91

    Burying loot!

    Yes, on PC. This is xbox version. Dont think its in yet dude.
  12. Powell x91

    why im dyng of cold

    Its not even on the xbox build yet... y uu lien 4??
  13. Powell x91

    I found the worst way to die...

    They rolled the update back due to an issue that occured upon releasing the update. If they didnt; you would of only been here crying because you got reset. So, try thanking them before you talk shit about their work. You have clearly used GP titles before so you full well knew what you was buying in to.
  14. Powell x91

    Xbox update 05/09/2018

    Probably not going to be renting out servers when the stability of the dedicated servers is questionable. Upon full release they will have rent a server, same as other GP titles. Weird glitch, but im sure it's one they know of. Seen it mentioned around the forums.
  15. Powell x91

    I found the worst way to die...

    Only way I have died; bar from hunger and thirst on my first spawns. Lost all my gear, I was gutted...for a moment, then got back to it and now, its like I never died. Its a bugger though, for sure.
  16. Powell x91

    Controls for Xbox One

    R3 does have a function. It swaps sides over the shoulder and switches from fpp and tpp.
  17. Powell x91

    Burying loot!

    You dont bury players....
  18. Powell x91

    General feedback thread?

    Actually, If you read carefully...there's a disclaimer saying this product may not work at all. The game isnt broken, bugged and glitched; yes...broken? No.
  19. Powell x91

    Xbox update 05/09/2018

    A 2nd update has gone live. I believethat will be the update youre asking about. Try manually installing from your game manager on xbox if its not already updated.
  20. Powell x91

    General feedback thread?

    Its back online. Just needed a hot fix for the fact people were getting reset. Rather them take them down for a few hours than lose all my gear. Maybe you should follow what they are actually doing to fix issues rather than moan about it. You knew full well what the GP programme entailed.
  21. Powell x91

    M4 suppressor and heli crash sites

    Doesnt always work due to the glitch.
  22. Powell x91

    This game is meant to be hard!

    Your approach is pretty aggressive...Works a treat LOL especially for people who won't shut up haha Any time! I got your message...we will sort something out.
  23. Powell x91

    How to get my gun to semi auto fire

    Weapons glitch out. Your AK is glitched. The ability to change weapon fire rates isnt in the game for us yet. 1 trigger press should fire off one round on your AK but the click afterwards is, as you know, just firing from the chamber and no replacinga new round from the magazine.
  24. Powell x91

    Get off your fat 45535 and fix the servers.

    I know its barely a shadow of the game's potential on xbox right now, but thats just it; Its a game. Might have a few priority issues there.
  25. Powell x91

    This game is meant to be hard!

    No, Just tie them up from behind LOL its a 2 man job as the pesky buggers can run away. Thats giving them the easy way out! Haha Much better to let them stress over thirst or hunger or the hungry zeds outside LOL