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Powell x91

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Everything posted by Powell x91

  1. Powell x91

    Can't Launch Game

    Mate, chill LOL was a joke about microsoft clearly!!!! As for commenting in he first place im offering insight on to what you're telling him as it was incorrect.
  2. Hes asking about on xbox. What happens on PC can happen, Noone here is really affected. No-one is asking for your explanationof what persistence is mate, We're asking for knowledge of how persistence/tents are working on the xbox build....Nothing more, Nothing less.
  3. Powell x91

    Can't Launch Game

    Microsoft soft tech support LOL
  4. Yes exactly. Tents are this game's item of persistence...you use tents to save items off character whilst offline.
  5. Powell x91

    Can't Launch Game

    No difference to what xbox1 hes using...you was advisig him about clearing his cache, he can do it by his settings which you said isnt possible but it is mate.
  6. Powell x91

    Can't Launch Game

    You can clear a cache on xbox 1x mate,its on settings to do it.
  7. He's asking whether tents are in the game on the console build? He knows items de-spawn etc everyone knows that surely lol but as for tents being available as/for offline storage, we do not know...
  8. Powell x91

    Feedback to developers during GP

    1 - Map can be found, Plenty of other ways for navigation. Tourist maps, online maps and landmarks. 2- cars are coming,same as planes. They are smoothing over the gameplay of vehicles before adding them. 3- its bugged, its from PC. Its been out 1 day on GP on xbox? Pubg menu was bugged as hell now thats fine. Have some patience. Plus, put things in your trousers and take them off,where else are the items meant to go? Think about it.... 4- price slightly expensive but at £30 for a game over £50 after release thenits a bargain. You know what you signed up for buying onto the GP programme, dont cry now...i see it all the time people buying into GP's to come cry on forums..Get over yourself. 5- what's wrong with that? You want to spawn 10ft away from where you died so you can noobily go grab your gear? No, work on your navigation and go find your gear! Lol ARK etc all have random respawns as do most games lol sure an item for a respawn point will arrive at some point. As for your [EDITED] waffle at the end..it's obvious you haven't researched what you bought so its entirely your own fault. Your points and concerns are flawed and already answered in many places so really is noones fault but your own for buying the game.
  9. Powell x91

    Please reduce the need to drink and feed

    The lone fool....always 1. Its on different timers to PC, shortened timers and still on the same map but with less loot available? So yes, shorten the timers. Make the game the same so called build as PC.
  10. Powell x91

    General hints and tips

    Great post... Can I add 1 point to the opening of food cans...I'm a DayZ noob and was opening my food by placing my axe on the floor then using the can of food from my hands straight on to the axe on the floor. Worked a treat lol
  11. Powell x91

    How do you Edit your Characters appearance

    No doubt it will be in game shortly, They plan to add vehicles etc etc so I'm positive that's in the plan to be implemented. If not, Well kinda sucks but not the be all and end all.
  12. Powell x91

    Please reduce the need to drink and feed

    I do agree. The drain is quick, Although aimlessly sprinting won't help you but even walking/jogging and whilst taking breaks to not exhaust my guy the meter's still turn yellow to red relatively fast. 1st time playing yesterday and really struggled upon spawning (In a random bare area too, mind) to acquire any food/drinks. Died from thirst & hunger in my first 2 plays then on my 3rd character; I spawned near a town with a well! As you probably guessed this majorly helped and now I'm happily playing along still using my 3rd character. More items spawned in would help but I think it's better to have less items around and then just lower the speed of the meter decreasing.
  13. Powell x91

    Day Z on Xbox Marketplace ( Not Showing)

    Hi, supposedly it releases at 7pm CEST? which is 5pm GMT, Correct? I've fully rebooted my system twiceand its still not showing up in the marketplace; I've searched directly for the game and checked all tabs like game preview etc. Any help is appreciated!!!
  14. Powell x91

    Day Z on Xbox Marketplace ( Not Showing)

    Yes, My mistake lol well 1800 BST, Being 1700 GMT lol But yes! Im downloading right now! Cant wait myself, been a long time coming. Feel free to leave your GT or add me!
  15. Powell x91

    So where is DayZ on the store?

    It's still not showing up on the marketplace? I'vedone a full reboot too, Still nothing.