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killjoy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by killjoy (DayZ)

  1. killjoy (DayZ)

    System requirements > : o

    I'd suggest a graphics card upgrade but that won't do you much good without the proper memory and CPU
  2. killjoy (DayZ)

    Constant freezing

    If this has happened from the start it may be that your computer isn't adequate to run Arma 2. Post some system specs. If its not your system, it could be lag from servers or a bad internet connection.
  3. killjoy (DayZ)

    down the sites

    Also used to happen if you are low on blood (not sure if that's still the case though).
  4. killjoy (DayZ)

    System requirements > : o

    Just to be safe, I'd recommend a little more memory than what they do, and if you want the best performance, I'd go with a quad core processor, as Arma is very CPU intensive. Many people think that a good graphics card will let them sail through the game when sometimes the processor is a big bottleneck.
  5. killjoy (DayZ)

    DE 75 - Hacker

    Starting ANOTHER thread like this saying "I saw a hacker" is pretty much useless unless you actually have proof of the hacker to report him. Next time try to get a screenshot or video showing him in action. (Which is rarely possible I know.)
  6. killjoy (DayZ)

    Play with diffrent account

    Your account is bound to your cd-key so if he plays on your copy of Arma 2, he will be playing on your account. The only way for him to play on his account is to have him bring over his copy of the game.
  7. Good thing it's already been stated that DayZ will be moved over to ArmA 3 if all goes as expected.
  8. killjoy (DayZ)

    met my first hacker -.-

    Too bad you didn't grab the hacker's name. People like these are ruining this game.
  9. Snipers may be annoying, but server ghosting is still an exploit........
  10. killjoy (DayZ)

    Random questions im curious about.

    Vehicles are server based so they don't transfer servers with you. They also remain in game so store yours wisely so it doesn't get stolen. As for getting so many items, you can store them in vehicles or tents. Those have huge capacity.
  11. killjoy (DayZ)

    Damn hacker

    It would seem that you can't. Well at least we don't have people killing each other over their suits yet.........
  12. killjoy (DayZ)

    Buying Satchel Charges

    If I see another person with satchel charges trying to blow someone up I swear............ anyway, no those aren't in game, sorry. And whoever says they have some to trade is a possible hacker.
  13. killjoy (DayZ)

    Major FPS Issues/Lag

    Personally, If I were you, I would just do a new build. If you have the time and effort building a computer yields more reward per money spent than a prefab machine. A new CPU will most likely require a new motherboard, and maybe something compatible with DDR3 Ram if you are so inclined etc. My rig runs this pretty well and I never had to spent a ton on a graphics card. I bought a GTX 460 1gb on sale and put it in SLI with an older 9800gt 512mb that I already had and it is more than adaquate to run modern games.
  14. Global bans are usually issued for hacking or attempting to modify the game in some illegitimate way. Even if you didn't do it, someone did with your copy of the game and now your cd-key and player guid are blacklisted.
  15. killjoy (DayZ)

    Major FPS Issues/Lag

    Well, Arma is very CPU intensive, and you only have a dual core. You also only have 3 gigs of ram and would do well to have at least four (I personally have 6). Your graphics card only has 512 mb of memory, and is dated. You may need to think about upgrading that and finding one with at least 1gb of memory. So while your computer isn't terrible, you may need to consider some upgrades in the near future.
  16. killjoy (DayZ)

    Places to go?

    There's the obvious places such as Cherno, Elektro, or the airfields. The Northwest Airfield seems to be the only place for NVGs. As for a ghillie, they are in all major towns such as Berezino.
  17. killjoy (DayZ)

    An open question to Bandits.

    Some people get great loot after a few days of hard work, and then what? As of now, that's really where the game ends unless you actually want to use that loot. And what better to use your nice new gun against then something that can think and make intelligent decisions. It's been said that there is "nothing quite like hunting the only animal on this planet that can reason on a higher level".
  18. killjoy (DayZ)

    helicopter gas...

    Yeah you need scrap metal to stop the leak.
  19. killjoy (DayZ)

    US Seattle 1968

    Get a screenshot or video clip as evidence and report them, with as many details as possible.
  20. A round of applause for you. And a trophy if you are so inclined. This was the funniest thing I've seen around here in a while.
  21. killjoy (DayZ)

    A VERY Strange day in Elecktro.

    Yeah, you can wear those Ghillie Suits if you right click on them in your inventory. They are legit loot.
  22. killjoy (DayZ)

    Is everyone in DayZ like this?

    When this mod first started out, we were running a little camp in the Cherno hospital, taking in and equipping everyone. Now Cherno (and most of the map) is a kill on sight zone. Its just the way things are. Don't let it get to you, people by nature seem to be very hard to trust. However, there are some of us here and there that go against this trend. So no, not everyone is this way, but most are.
  23. According to the latest update notes, helicopters (the "Huey" or UH1H) were added back in. If he was flying around in, say, a MH 60 or an Osprey he was a hacker. Otherwise, he got lucky and got a chopper up and running before the rest of us.
  24. killjoy (DayZ)

    Lee Enfield Nerfed?

    I don't remember seeing anything about the Lee Enfield getting nerfed. If it was, it was only by a negligible amount, though.
  25. killjoy (DayZ)

    Worst 30$ spent.

    You bought Arma 2, not Day Z. Try it out, maybe instead of feeling so bad over a FREE mod. Believe it or not, the base game is kinda cool. Cool enough for me to play it for three years, anyway.