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Posts posted by Aryaa

  1. Lol so much trolling in this thread. You entitled bitches act like this is release. It's an open alpha. This is probably the first time that's even ever happened. Even counterstrike was years long beta. You're not playing with the final product. Things change in alpha. It's best not to get too deeply attached to the role-play aspect of the game and focus on broken mechanics' date=' and report them so there's a working product to critique.


    Sounds like you're the troll.

    Anyway Arma 2 is still Beta.

    Battlefield 3 is still Beta.

    Skyrim, Oblivion and Fallout series still Beta.

    And many more titles, basicly beta. Buggy, messy, runs bad etc.

  2. This thread is stupid.

    Zombies are glitchy, buggy and what not already and can suddenly break your bone, cause bleeding, knock you out so that you bleed to death before you "wake up" (or you wake up,o nly to get knocked out immediately and then die) all in an instant.


  3. Add a WAVE animation, like you know

    "Hello here I am, Friendly, Waving my hand at you, this indicates im friendly!! Come here, I got beans for you friend!! IM WAVING!!!"

    You dont shoot someone who is waving at you, you dont!

    Anyway is there a chance you could implement a Wave? I know Arma 2 has one, or if it is OA, or if its custom, anyway I hope you do. With a Hotkey for it. The "Salut" one is just dumb and locks you into position plus the key is at ENTER waaay from WASD!

  4. Also night shouldnt be as fucking dark' date=' you should be able to navigate and see shit around you. Also theres aloooot of people who WORK and thus can only play during ingame evening/night i.e. pitchblackness.


    Shouldn't be so dark? I actually recall hearing that rocket made night darker specifically for the mod as the arma 2 nights weren't dark enough. I had a little laugh when I read your post.

    Also, I am one of those lots who work 5 days week duringthe typical 9-5. We have a few servers in our region that run on the opposite time zone. I rarely go onto them unless it's dayz night on the weekend.

    Daytime tends to attract numbers, bandits and a lot of simlar minded players who think night shouldn't be so fucking dark and remind us all that they can't play at night, it's not realistic, and it's simply not fun.

    You guys are all stupid thinking nights are PITCH BLACK.

    NEVER has a night been this black as in Dayz or in Arma 2 for that matter.

    Real nights do NOT look like this:


    Youre a dumb dumbass if you think this is realism.

  5. Use a lightsource then.

    Well then you have made the wrong choice to use that weapon at night.

    You sound like an extremist fanboy.

    Its not my fucking choice that there are rarely ever any weapons spawning on the server I play on.

    Also night shouldnt be as fucking dark, you should be able to navigate and see shit around you. Also theres aloooot of people who WORK and thus can only play during ingame evening/night i.e. pitchblackness.

  6. Chemlights can be really hard to see at a distance especially red.

    Flares should be thrown so that you see the target location in the throw but not when the flare has landed.

    The flashlight should never be turned on longer then 2 seconds at a time unless you use the Military Flashlight since it is hard to see at a distance.

    Since it is night you probably dont need to have a weapon in hand. It takes what? 4 seconds to change to a primary weapon even faster if you change to a secondary.

    The only time you actually need light is when you are in a town or in combat. A town raid should take no longer then 5-10 minuets so you should be able to escape before otherplayers arrive.

    Go to the NW/NE Airfield or any airfield for that matter, go into the hangars, you cant see jack shit at all, not the loot unless there are shiny bright empty cans. EVEN when you turn up gamma and brightness to wopping 2000000000

    Also you dont have any defense when using CZ as primary.

  7. Well since there is no source of light except the stars this is what happens.

    So use chemlights' date=' flares or a flashlight. Like you are supposed to if you can't see. But if you think it is still too dark just wait a few days, the moon will be back the 27th.


    There is no moonlight either, its dumb as hell.

    Also, why the fuck should we WAIT in order to play a game?

    Flares = attracts zombies and players.

    Chemlights = attracts players.

    Flashlight = attracts everything and you have no fucking weapon then.

    Dumb suggestions are dumb.

    They should be able to tweak the ambient light during nights, since rocket is with BI they should be able to do this, so nights arent Pitchblack. Cause reality isnt pitchblack.

  8. The idea of having shorter day or night cycles is a gargantuan no for me' date=' I love the long nights and days. I LOVE REAL TIME!!!

    ... but I do see where you are coming from, and the idea of different servers being set to different times is a good one.

    Just to make sure I made myself clear though, NO SHORTER DAY OR NIGHT! :)


    The thing about the nights, are that they are PITCH FUCKIN BLACK. Cant see shit all without NVG or raising Gamma/brightness. Even with Gamma and Brightness you still dont see shit other than white surfaces and things.

    In reality, out in the woods, you can still see the enviroment.

    I ran through the woods yesterday and couldnt see shit, and there were zombies around it, I couldnt see them at all.

