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Everything posted by Aryaa

  1. Cause its nothing more than that. EVERY single fucker Ive encountered alt F4 IMMEDIATELY as soon as they hear someone shoot towards them, or if they just see you.. I mean this game used to be fun, now its nothing other than people duping items and people pressing Alt F4. Ive yet to encounter a player who didnt alt f4... However Ive shot SOME people and succeeded in killing them, but they alt f4 and their corpse vanishes into the ground, thus you cant loot em. Find a way to punish these players, like a keypress logging where excessive Alt F4 would result in server-wide bans or something (temporarily)
  2. Fuck yeah... DayZ - "Hacker" Survival... And I actually had good shit on me, NVG, GPS etc which I spent quite some time getting. oh and Thank you rocket for turning me into a fucking Male with a Bandit mask and -51000 humanity, yet I have only one murder..
  3. Aryaa

    Rename DayZ to "Alt F4 Survival"

    I have what I need. There is no goal in the game so what should I do? Search for fucking tin cans the rest of my dayz life? No. I hunt players becasue there is no other goal.
  4. _________________________________________________________________________ Hi! I'm sorry but we're currently not making manual gender changes. It's possible that we'll make another gender reset in the future. Please understand that the amount of request we're receiving simply makes it an impossible task to handle all on individual basis. Best regards _________________________________________________________________________ Really, really lame when they could just give us the prompt again.
  5. been searching.. cant find it lol no you didnt http://www.google.se/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CEoQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fkronzky.info%2Fmissions%2Farma%2Fdayzsp%2F&ei=i4zET-NixtDhBI-ErMIJ&usg=AFQjCNGakTLccdJ8vsLGYCmS8nBSzLrtKw
  6. Aryaa

    Crashed hele and M107 TWS

    What the hell is in your binoc slot? Doesnt look like nv.
  7. Aryaa

    Lingering after logging out

    This will certainly ruin the game for people who... 1) Crash 2) has a Legit disconnect(unstable internet) 3) Powersurge(unlikely but can happen) 4) Has finished playing the game for the day, wants to log out. Logs out however character still ingame, some guy happen to see him and thus shoot him. - Guy Comes back the next day, character dead..
  8. Aryaa

    How well geared are you?

  9. Aryaa

    Firefight/Alt F4 Abuser/Death

    Pointless to make a thread about it. People do this ALL THE TIME. Are we gonna start banning people now because of this? How do you KNOW FOR SURE that it was HIM? Any EVIDENCE? None. Just a nametag in the lower left corner. Could've been anyone around you.
  10. Ill trade an M249 with 400rounds for one! Where did you find it? How do you take your current skin off?
  11. You could always try as it only takes a few secs to change resolution. Anyway' date=' Id giddy up and invest in a tad faster components in [i']the future (just dont go AMD in terms of CPUs)
  12. That depends on what your other pieces of hardware is, mainly the CPU. This is how it works. The lower the Resolution the more CPU is used (processor) The higher the resolution the more GPU is used (Graphics) So having a Strong GPU means its best to have a higher resolution. Having a Strong CPU but weak GPU, better to have it a notch below the native resolution, like 1600x900.
  13. The way you quote is just so annoying gosh.. also dont forget the kitchen jokes! :D
  15. What E-mail would that be? dayzdevteam@gmail.com I had to PM him with the subject "GENDER CHANGE BUG" and have my player id + in game name handy in it. By Player ID would that be my Steam account? Highly doubt that as the game is not Steamworks. Ive yet to see a "playerid" in the game.
  16. What E-mail would that be? You cant PM rocket at all, there is no such option.
  17. Sooo.. we gotta scream and shout and thus risk getting banned in order for them to help with this? Cause I NEVER got the dialogue appearing when I joined a server.
  18. How about telling us how you told them to fix it for you?
  19. Yeah how do you take off a skin? How do I then take off my Bandit skin? HMMMMMM? And I want the Gender dialogue to appear... never did.
  20. Aryaa

    Zombies Should Run Inside

    No. They shouldnt. ZOMBIES BUG OUT INDOORS AND CAN WALK THROUGH WALLS, HIT YOU THROUGH WALLS, WALK THROUGH DOOR FRAMES. PLUS YOU CANT NAVIGATE EASILY IN APARTMENTS CAUSE THE WEAPON KEEPS COLLIDING WITH SHIT. And if Zombies are then going to RUN indoors, yeah, good luck defending yourself when you're knocked out immediately once you turn around, bleed to death. Stupid idea.
  21. Bandits STEAL. Bandits dont Murder. Bandit skin should be "given" to those who successfully Steal. However not look like Spetznaz or a terrorist, but you know, normal person. Murderers also look like regular people, but tend to have something covering their faces, and no they dont dress up like terrorists, cause thats just fucking obvious.
  22. This is like the EVE Forum. However, this time its the Bandits (gankers/griefers) and not the proper Warfare guys going all "Grab a tissue, carebear" Im tired of the "SHOOT ON SIGHT" shit. Before the stupid "STEP TWO SHOOT BANDIT" was added to frontpage, people didnt relaly care as much about it, people were more friendly.. Rocket ruined it.