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Everything posted by Aryaa

  1. Aryaa

    Bears! And Wolves!

    Somebody call the PETA! Animals in modern world is a rarity to find outside other than birds, cats and dogs. (And cows, horses, sheep, pigs in farmlands)
  2. Aryaa

    Realistic Temperature Suggestion Thread

    Fuck off with the Fahrenheit. We dont need that inaccurate bullshit. Celcius is where its at.
  3. DayZ - Lit a fire Simulator. Soon there will be too much shit to think about in this mod. Players, Zombies, Temperature, Bedtime? Food, Drink, Sickness, Broken Bones you gotta stay home for weeks etc..
  4. In reality you dont catch a cold just because you're outside, and its not snow or anything anywhere in Chernarus, nor does it have a cold feeling, more like summer.
  5. Aryaa


    Its pretty much 12 AM here where I am now. No moon, lots of clouds. If I were to walk out in a forest, I would be able to see the ground, the bushes, the fucking MOSS, rocks and what not without any major issues. In arma 2, you cant see jack shit during night, only the sky. You cant see anything but your weapon and the sky. Which is dumb as shit.
  6. Listen to what they say. Regarding one of the wheels they found, they needed more, one guy said "its alright, we'll dupe it"
  7. AATW on US Hardcore 1 also duping items, and tents. They have also pretty much taken over the server since like 50% of the people there are part of AATW, so.. theres no sandbox there anymore.
  8. Aryaa

    Humanity..a way forward?

    NO FKIN STATS AND OTHER BULLSHI7. Its a sandbox not a lets turn this into an MMO with goals and shi1.
  9. I love how people try to hide in grass when grass is invisible at certain distances, and majority of dayz players play on normal to low. Soo.. you really look like retards running around randomly proning.
  10. Aryaa


    Leechman, no instead we have fog and rain 80% of the time.
  11. Aryaa

    Enlarging the map

    HAHAHAHAHA No. They dont place 100s of thousands of trees "by hand" They paint them on like brushes. That randomly places trees, then remove awkward trees or those that are placed badly/in other/clipping into houses. Also most of the trees in this game are REALLY badly placed due to this, many of them are like floating when they're placed on slopes.
  12. Aryaa

    Enlarging the map

    Merge Takistan and Chernarus - Win.
  13. .: So why have you chosen to walk the path of “darkness"(was it for the beans =p?) Idiots shooting me in the leg' date=' or somewhere I was bleeding, ran the fuck away. Bandaged, I wait for the guy to come as I thought he was chasing after me, which he was. I shot him in the head. BOOM I am a bandit for defending myself. I am now at -62k humanity thanks to this STUUUUUUUPID bandit system. Defend yourself and be FOREVER hated by the "Survivors" and Other bandits.. And it doesnt help that the website has a stupid "Step Two kill zombies and BANDITS".. [b'].: Lets talk about tactics, what are yours? Shoot everyone on sight, cause no one is friendly towards me, and I dont loot anyone anymore. .: Do you prefer to hunt alone or in a pack? Alone, read above.. .: Your preferred hunting ground(s)? NW Airfield, Sobor, Cherno, Elektro and NE Airfield. .: What are your weapons of choice? AKM/M4A1/Winchester .: Your greatest strength as a Bandit? UHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? .: Now how about a weakness of yours, come on everyone has one? Bandit skin - Shoot on sight. .:Lastly, how about telling us your greatest moment(s) as a Bandit of Chernarus? Shooting people. The only reason I play this mod now, cause no one will group with a BANDIT.
  14. It ruins EVERYTHING! People can see you from a kilometer away because you're a glowing stick when gamma is brought up. And since bandits have a white skin, they are even more glowy when gamma/brightness is brought up during night. I used this method because I got tired of other people using it, I can spot anyone anywhere anytime during night because every player and zombies (excluding the black clothed ones) pretty much glow.. its kinda like Infrared vision. This effect is also enhanced if you up the postprocess or turn off shadows.. Since it is a Survival game, you'd expect it to be on fair ground in terms of visiblity (with exception of binocs, scopes, flashlights, nightvision)
  15. Everyone should spawn as "Survivors" not be set as Group A or B. They should have the Option (if they want to) join A or B, or stay Independent/Bandit.
  16. Aryaa

    [GUIDE] Configuration Tweaking

    I have GTX 680 // 2500K @ 4.2GHz // 8GB 1600MHz RAM I can barely run the game (in towns) at a solid 40+ fps. I manage 30-45 with everything but textures set to "normal" or "low" Postprocess Off, Shadows Off. ANd this is with Arma 2 Free and OA on steam. QUESTION ABOUT THE commandlines or -nosplash kinda stuff, how can I do this using the SixUpdater? I cant boot DayZ using Steam (with the -nosplah and mod=@DayZ) I keep getting "cabuildingparts missing" when I use Steam. SixUpdater works tho. But cant add any nosplah or anything.
  17. So I am at NW Airfield. I see this chopper, I get this Gunner icon show up, I use the scroll and it says embark or something gunner position, so I did it "for teh lulz" and then Im fucking dead!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I had M4A1, 870 with Flashlight attached and Alice bag. No way to get this shit back right!? Had been alive for probably 10 hours if not more than that. Stupid glitch.
  18. Aryaa

    Extreme lag/stutter with GTX 580?

    You are kidding right? Anyway I have. GTX 680 2GB running at stock speeds. i5 2500K @ 4.2GHz. 8GB RAM @ 1600MHz Corsair TX650W GIGABYTE Z68X-UD3H-B3 Game runs like poop most of the time. In cherno with everything set to Low or Medium (using Arma 2 Free, textures set as high as they can go, i.e. low) and Antialiasing Normal. I get approx 40fps, when someone has lit a flare in the dark somewhere in town and I look towards it, especially if Im in a building, my framerate goes as low as 30. And since this mod is broken in terms of view distance and "dynamic weather" (which is a pos fyi) you never really see farther than 800m at most, its never really clear weather, raining 70% of the times, and foggy 90% of the times. Game runs really really bad, it shouldnt. And recently when I turn HDR to normal and Im in Cherno I get weird texture glitches, my entire screen gets covered in grey/brown textures flickering in CERTAIN directions, however seems to be caused by the Sky combined with Certain ground textures. And no it is not my GPU, Ive read of others having similar issues with this mod. The problem gets eliminated by turning HDR to Very High.
  19. Aryaa

    MERGED: Gamma & Brightness

    No. Its me doing the killing, im a bandit with -30000 humanity atm. Also raising gamma (if you have shadows off) ground is lit up like Grey. So you can see loot, players hiding in the grass and everything anywhere. Adding more brightness (cranking to the max) adds the glowy effect.