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Everything posted by Aryaa

  1. Aryaa

    Store the flashlight

  2. Aryaa

    Changes to female characters

    What kind of stupid suggestion is this? SEXISM.
  3. Aryaa

    Cigarettes to calm down ?

    How the hell does a cigarette lit up an area? LOL It lits up a face when you inhale but nothing more.
  4. Aryaa

    Cigarettes to calm down ?

    Really dumb suggestions make it into this game, not everyone is a smoker. And teh game is trying to be realistic, thus, not everyone has to smoke.. but non smokers then have panic attacks, yay.
  5. I never got any dialogue window at all when I hopped into the game after patching to Sooo Im stuck as Bandit male :D
  6. Makes complete sense to have thousands of people testing the game in an alpha state, only to add more dysfunctional and gamebreaking features.. But I guess thats how BI works, as their games are always REALLY REALLY buggy (and also perform like shit, 30fps in Cherno on Normal with a 680, woah)
  7. Aryaa

    Sex Change

    I never saw the option, so I never got to choose. So Im stuck with the fuckin male :D
  8. This thread is stupid. Zombies are glitchy, buggy and what not already and can suddenly break your bone, cause bleeding, knock you out so that you bleed to death before you "wake up" (or you wake up,o nly to get knocked out immediately and then die) all in an instant. He should FOCUS ON FIXING TEH ZOMBIES AND AI BEFORE FUCKING WITH THIS.
  9. Aryaa


    Please no. Long exposure to constant "beep" will only help your REAL LIFE tinnitus w/e its called in english.. i.e. you will start hearing that shit irl.
  10. Add a WAVE animation, like you know "Hello here I am, Friendly, Waving my hand at you, this indicates im friendly!! Come here, I got beans for you friend!! IM WAVING!!!" You dont shoot someone who is waving at you, you dont! Anyway is there a chance you could implement a Wave? I know Arma 2 has one, or if it is OA, or if its custom, anyway I hope you do. With a Hotkey for it. The "Salut" one is just dumb and locks you into position plus the key is at ENTER waaay from WASD!
  11. Its not that its night 12h and day 12h, its that nights are PITCHBLACK meaning you see shit. DayZ somehow managed to not keep the Eye adaption that Arma 2 has (or pretty much every other game has on the market) where the longer you stay in the dark, the better you see. Like real life.
  12. Aryaa

    Day/Night cycle

    You guys are all stupid thinking nights are PITCH BLACK. NEVER has a night been this black as in Dayz or in Arma 2 for that matter. Real nights do NOT look like this: Youre a dumb dumbass if you think this is realism.
  13. Aryaa

    Day/Night cycle

    You sound like an extremist fanboy. Its not my fucking choice that there are rarely ever any weapons spawning on the server I play on. Also night shouldnt be as fucking dark, you should be able to navigate and see shit around you. Also theres aloooot of people who WORK and thus can only play during ingame evening/night i.e. pitchblackness.
  14. Aryaa

    Urination & Excrement

    Now we gotta PEE and SHIT too? Whats next? Babysitting Survivors?
  15. Aryaa

    Day/Night cycle

    Go to the NW/NE Airfield or any airfield for that matter, go into the hangars, you cant see jack shit at all, not the loot unless there are shiny bright empty cans. EVEN when you turn up gamma and brightness to wopping 2000000000 Also you dont have any defense when using CZ as primary.
  16. Aryaa


    This is a Zombie survival game. Not Stalker or Fallout 3.
  17. THIS IS A SANDBOX GAME. Not frikkin Cowadoody or an MMO with achievements, perks and other bullshit.
  18. Aryaa

    Player kill registration removal

    They are turned off on Expert servers. It is awesome, you then have to shoot the guy an extra time, just in case.
  19. Aryaa

    Bears! And Wolves!

    Europe. Sweden. See like no animals ever other than birds, cats and dogs (pets) and the occasional farmanimals roaming their lands. Ohhh yeah sometimes deers.