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Everything posted by Sp33dHunterCRO

  1. Sp33dHunterCRO

    Exp Update 0.63.147489

    0.63 is looking mighty fine! Ofc it still needs a lot of tweaking. I will name just a few examples that I encountered during roaming around, ant it will mainly be visual changes I noticed. There is no animation putting your gun on/away from your back, in inventory you see your weapons behind your legs, sometimes you find weapons that you cant detach magazines from (mainly Mp5), never found gun holster yet, when you aim from hip your character points weapon to the ground but shoots straight and when you switch to ADS you aim at ground (happens sometimes), i think MP5 spawns to much because i sometimes found 5-6 of them in police stations, loot in clothing has been severely reduced and i don't know if that was the intention or not, zombies still run trough walls and sometimes they glitch in house floors so that only they head stick out. Those are some things i noticed in 0.63 in my few hours of experience playing it. But never the less, progress is very noticeable.