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Everything posted by DerNoobYT

  1. DerNoobYT

    Natural instincts achievement

    It doesn´t work for me. I had killed 3 deers and gut them. But the achievement doesn´t pop up. Have anybody else trouble with this achievement?
  2. DerNoobYT


    Are they in the Game? I can`t find one.
  3. DerNoobYT

    Inventory Tips

  4. DerNoobYT

    Preview is finished?

    Is the Preview finished? Nothing works.
  5. DerNoobYT

    Preview is finished?

    I know that^^ 5 Seconds after the post it works.
  6. DerNoobYT

    Character locked in Database

    What can i do? I deleted the game and the savegames. Nothing works.
  7. DerNoobYT

    Wo sind die Deutschen Survs.

    Bis jetzt habe ich nur PUBG Spieler getroffen^^ Habe auch viel PC Erfahrung und bin eher der defensive Spieler mit Helfersyndrom. Ich selber spiele auf der X und bin beeindruckt wie gut es läuft.
  8. DerNoobYT

    Inventory Problems

    Sorry for my bad english, How can i open a Can of Food? How can i tear something in Rags? How can i reload a magazine? On the PC is easy. But on the xbox i found no solution.
  9. DerNoobYT

    Inventory Problems

    I noticed this as well. I don't know what the problem is. Maybe the Servers have a Bad Connenction or something.
  10. DerNoobYT

    Combine isn’t working with Ammo

    You must have the magazine in your hands. Go to the Inventory on the Bullets and press B. Now you must hold RT. Sorry for my Bad english...
  11. DerNoobYT

    Inventory Problems

  12. DerNoobYT

    Inventory Problems

    I hope my english is not so bad...
  13. DerNoobYT

    Can't find or connect to servers

    The Server are down.