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Everything posted by Jackftw

  1. He's the worst of them all. Always spotting me from miles away and shit. The bitch knocked me unconscious and broke my leg in one hit too today.
  2. Jackftw

    Kos knobjockeys

    You all should feel lucky.... I'm stuck in Myspace.
  3. Jackftw

    Funny ways you've died.

    Jamie Hyneman zombie hit me once. Sent me flying across the room, through the wall, and I fell 2 stories. As I was unconscious, I saw the same zombie float down from the building, and he began to eat me.
  4. Jackftw


    CZ550 is more rare than the AS50 TWS
  5. Jackftw

    Dexter | Heinz Beans! | S06E03

    If I have a hatchet, and I know someone wants to kill me with a gun, I challenge them to a hatchet showdown :P
  6. It's not close enough to elektro WAAAAAAAAAAAH
  7. Jackftw

    Dexter | Heinz Beans! | S06E03

    The teeth had hatchets. They were threats.
  8. Jackftw

    Dark day for script-kiddies coming

    One month and 23 days later, still no progress. Very soon. lul
  9. Jackftw

    Sniper Clan Recruiting

    guyz i haz as40 tsw n i snyp nubz on coast much well cn i jon clen?
  10. Jackftw

    AS50 vs AS50 TWS

    You're using a hacked weapon, and you should feel bad for it.
  11. Jackftw

    Acceptable AltF4 Moments

    There is and will always only be one acceptable moment. And that's hackers. There is no other time in this game that you should ever alt-f4. If your internet sucks, thats your problem, if your framerate sucks, get a better PC.
  12. I'm deathly afraid of doors.
  13. Jackftw

    This game is PvP not PvE

    No! Not my lot!
  14. Jackftw

    This game is PvP not PvE

    The irony is you used the wrong your/you're again.
  15. Jackftw

    One Hit Zombie

    I've been seeing it a lot recently. I think zombies found an old steroid factory and juiced up.
  16. 1 hit from this dude took me from 12k to 3k, broke my leg, and knocked me unconscious.
  17. I had something kind of different happen, I alt tabbed as everything was normal, and then when I alt tabbed back in there was just a HUGE pile of ammo crates in front of me. I just said ''Nope'' and logged out.
  18. Jackftw

    Fastest way lose -humanity?

    How much negative humanity makes a ''bad bandit''?
  19. Jackftw

    Your Final Words Before Death

  20. Jackftw

    I was resurrected?

    Green Mountain remembers you...
  21. Jackftw

    My Hand Shakes

    I had the same problem when I first started playing (I'm not saying you're a noob :P). Every time I would see a player my body would be all like ASLDKFJASL;DJFLDASJRJKRAJRKJ and shake like crazy. It's because of the adrenaline, and you're nervous, and actually somewhat scared. Fuckin' love DayZ, haha.
  22. Jackftw

    Stop flaming play-styles.

    And this ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when you try too hard when making a thread.
  23. Jackftw

    Trading for Mk16...

    LOL Look at your signature bro. Is it fun playing the game and having your friends script shit for you?