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Everything posted by Jackftw

  1. Jackftw

    Take out .50 cals

    Never underestimate the power of the Jamie Hyneman zombies.
  2. Jackftw

    Take out .50 cals

    Both the AS50, and the Barrett M107 are NOT used by the Russian military. So no, you wouldn't find them in the military Barracks/Airfield :)
  3. Jackftw

    Take out .50 cals

    I don't care about the one shot kill. I think more weapons should be a one shot kill. It's just that all this crazy ass gear kills the immersion, and makes it more of a deathmatch than a zombie survival game.
  4. Jackftw

    Take out .50 cals

    Inventory + Backpack Page 1 Inventory + Backpack Page 2 This gear in a zombie apocalypse? Seem's totally legit. Sorry, but you're not going to find this shit in an apocalyptic wasteland.
  5. Jackftw

    Take out .50 cals

    Let me take a screenshot of my current inventory. Give me a minute. (Btw, this stuff isn't rare for me... I find .50's and ghillies within 1 hour of playing)
  6. Jackftw

    Take out .50 cals

    Assuming someone hasn't taken them already. I mean come on, I can't be the only one who think's its ridiculous that in a zombie apocalypse there are people running around in ghillie suits with NVG's, M107's/AS50's M9SD's and all this crazy military gear. It's just taking away from the zombie apocalyptic atmosphere.
  7. What is one of these worth trading wise? I have one and I really don't know what to do with it.
  8. Jackftw


    I knew as soon as I saw ''Sniping'' as the title I would see something like this.
  9. You sound like the kind of person I've killed before. Many times.
  10. Jackftw

    Why didn't this guy shoot me? (Video Included)

    Because this is DayZ. Not call of duty. Not everyone is a KoS fag.
  11. Make it so that when you shoot, you better make it count. This would definitely tone down the KoS, and would ramp up the difficulty for those hardcore players.
  12. That's something I also think needs to change. It shouldn't be so easy to lose zombies. I think they should add more mechanics that restrict ''loling'' through zombies so easily.
  13. The lee enfield does the perfect amount of sound to me. I think every gun should be similar to this... well, primaries at least.
  14. Some weapons are fine, but some are just too easy to get away with shooting.
  15. You could easily sneak through a town. And how would it be unrealistic? Guns are LOUD. I don't know if you've ever fired one before, but I have, and believe me you can hear them from VERY far away; now imagine a flesh craving fiend hearing that sound. He'd be on that shit in seconds haha.
  16. Believe me, I have. 5-10 zombies is nothing to be scared of. I'm talking the WHOLE city raining down on you.
  17. Jackftw

    What a h**king joke...

    Naughty* #ownedbymoderator
  18. Jackftw

    no need to go against alt f4 :-)

    Any well trained marksman know's to shoot for center-mass. And anyone that's NOT a smelly pussy know's you shouldn't alt-f4.
  19. Jackftw

    Looking for M4A1 holo

    That's a hacked weapon, the only legit version is without the suppressor.
  20. Yeah I'm addicted to being stripped of all my gear by hacking dick suckers. But on a serious note, yeah this game's super addicting.
  21. Jackftw


    Are you close to Zelenogorsk? I have some antibiotics I could spare.
  22. Jackftw

    Give us Pve only servers...

    Protip: Being a bandit doesn't make you cool. And no I don't want PvE servers either. Just believe me, if you ever take a shot at me, you best pray I'm dead.