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Everything posted by Jackftw

  1. Jackftw

    Would you kill the unarmed?

    Player is 600 meters away with a hatchet. HE'S A THREAT
  2. Jackftw

    Trading MK48 MOD 0 for M24/DMR

    I'll trade you a DMR for it, but I don't trust anyone for shit.
  3. I hope you didn't use all your satchel charges. How else are you going to dupe them again! D:
  4. It's a fucking zombie apocalypse in the middle of some random shitty country/area. You're not going to be finding anti-material rifles just laying around.
  5. The ''re-used gun models'' one made me laugh... are you fucking stupid? of course they have the same model you idiot. Is he supposed to go and change the AK to give it a laser sight, and 6 power scope, and maybe a suppressor or some shit? btw, it's not the same gun model because this one has a shoulder strap.
  6. Screenshot or it didn't happen :P
  7. Player Pink Mist on US 1260 ALT-F4ed right as I killed him. Gotta practice your ALT-F4 bitch, you're too slow :)
  8. Death denial is all that counts, and he sure as shit didn't avoid death! :P
  9. His body disappeared as he was falling to the ground :(
  10. Jackftw

    I'm on a boat!

    You looked at the explosion. You're not cool.
  11. Jackftw

    AS50 Time Sniping Noobs In Balota

    Tell your friend that if he wants to PvP, head to stary/NWAF where he can find people with gear better than a hatchet.
  12. Jackftw

    AS50 Time Sniping Noobs In Balota

    A man who calls himself a medic, that kills fresh spawns with an AS50? Seems legit.
  13. Being a bandit doesn't mean killing people. A true bandit is more clever.
  14. Jackftw

    DayZ so good

    Alpha is to find bugs, this is a bug. You're supposed to fix bugs in alpha, he hasn't fixed bugs in alpha.
  15. I had a hatchet... A hatchet. And someone with an AS50/Ghillie/Coyote (all I could see he had) trusted me, a random person to give him morphine and a blood transfusion. I could have just axed him a question, and murdered him in cold blood, and taken all of his gear.... but I didn't. I told him ''wait here bro... I'll be back with what you need'' so I ran into elektro headstrong, and I returned with his blood bag and morphine, and I healed him up. I never saw this man again after we went our separate ways, but I hope he had a long life.
  16. Jackftw

    Take out .50 cals

    This isn't an anti sniper thread, its only an anti .50 thread :P
  17. Jackftw

    Take out .50 cals

    Perhaps we've been surviving, and used all our ammo, and most of our medical supplies?
  18. Jackftw

    Take out .50 cals

    I think implementing leg braces would be sick! You break your leg and need to use a wood pile to craft a (wooden) leg brace.
  19. Jackftw

    Take out .50 cals

    Actually.... not really. Sorry but you're not going to be inside of a helicopter with a giant AM rifle. If anything, you would have an M24 or DMR. But I do understand your point, and like others have said before, the only reason 80% of players have an AS50/M107 is because of duping, so none of us can accurately judge the rarity of the weapon.
  20. Jackftw

    Poll: Should Barbed wire be removed?

    My question is, why are you logging in and out of the barracks, Mr Server Hopper?
  21. Jackftw

    Take out .50 cals

    I've replied to so many posts like this it's just annoying now. Please read the entire thread before you post :)
  22. Jackftw

    Take out .50 cals

    Zombie apocalypse or not, it's still a nationwide crisis, full of anarchy and chaos. And during all that chaos, I'm 99% sure most of the high tier military equipment would be stripped clean in a matter of hours.