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Everything posted by Jackftw

  1. Day 1: Killed a player and he had an AS50 TWS, Day 2: Killed 3 players, they all had G36CSD's, one had a Makarov SD, and another had a PDW SD. Soilder clothing was also in one of their coyote packs. Day 3: Found a tent with a G36 K inside. Multiple MG36 mags. DAFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUQ Oh, and don't forget how almost everyone gets killed by a hacker at least twice a day. Love this fucking game to death, but hackers are making it pick up the soap.
  2. Jackftw

    Your Funniest DayZ Moments?

    I dove into a tree, broke my leg and died.
  3. Jackftw

    Found a hacked crate,

    Roflmao, sure. Duping is just as bad as spawning them in, no matter how you put it, it's still an exploit, just like hacking is. And no, duping does NOT happen at random. You either know how to do it, or you don't.
  4. Jackftw

    Alpha to Stand A Lone game..

    You paid for Arma to play the mod. And you will now have to pay for the standalone version, since they're two completely different things.
  5. If its, I'd love to try it out. What's the server?
  6. I'm OP and I want to play for an hour and get an AS50, Coyote Backack, NVGs and Ghillie suits. It's a post soviet state dude, of course there's going to be AK's everywhere.
  7. Jackftw

    Why Even Have Bandit Skins?

    No. The current system works just fine. You don't lose humanity for killing a bandit, so if they have the bandit skin kill them. Simple as that. Putting in this ''friendly'' 15 second system is stupid, and ruins the whole purpose of this being a hardcore, and ruthless game. If you want to find out if someones friendly, go ask them through direct. If you are too hesitant to do that, avoid him entirely.
  8. Jackftw

    "WarZ" Posts

    So why is this in general discussion then?
  9. Jackftw

    What is your Humanity?

  10. Jackftw

    What is your Humanity?

  11. Jackftw

    AS50 TWS

  12. I think it would be a lot more interesting if you, yourself had to track the amount of murders you have. Keeping tallies on a notepad and putting another tick in there for every kill you may or may not have wanted to get.
  13. Actually, it's pretty fun to take all of your gear into a big city and try to kill as many zombies as possible. Yesterday me and a buddy had about 300 zombies constantly streaming into the Pub in elektro. We were on the top floor, and eventually the building went to its ''damaged'' state. We tried making a run down the stairs but my buddy got knocked unconscious and I had to drag his body into the back room. Was pretty intense; we finally made it out though. Pretty much what we've found out, is that the best part of the game is the gear grind. There's nothing better than going into the city empty handed and scavenging whatever you can find.
  14. You have no idea, do you? haha. Plus I had a camp on US 1260 with a pick up truck, UAZ, and 2 cars. All of them had massive amounts of gear. I'm sorry that I enjoy playing the game differently then you do... and just because I do, doesn't mean I'm ''bad''. I can guarantee that if my group ever met yours, you would ALT-F4 in seconds. None of these screenshot's are anything to be proud of compared to other items, or for your boners sake, MURDERS/BANDIT KILLS. They are just some random ones I have on my computer. (I really don't remember taking them actually lol)
  15. People like you are what ruins this game. I'm not saying we should all be happy go lucky survivors, I'm just saying we should think more before we just go around shooting everyone. Please don't be so idiotic.
  16. Killed by a server hopper. Sucks. but what can rocket really do to keep this from happening?
  17. This is definitely a good solution, but it would also end in tragedy. If people knew that joining a new server would spawn you to the beach, there would be countless snipers just watching the shore waiting for someone to spawn. I was thinking maybe when you spawn in you would go unconscious for like, 10-20 seconds, but this could also end bad.
  18. Jackftw

    Big Foot In Day Z (Video)

    oh muh god i can't believe what i just seen
  19. ''* [FIXED] Graphical glitches with dead bodies'' lul
  20. Jackftw

    AS50 or M14 aim

    It depends on what kind of player you are. If you expect to find yourself in long range PvP (500m +) then the AS50 is what you need. But if you think you're going to be getting in to more CQC then go with the M14 AIM.
  21. Good game kiddo. Lucky you ALT-F4ed because your buddy stayed behind and got himself killed, but at least he played like a man. Take notes from him.
  22. So I take it you're one of the 2 bandits? xD