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Everything posted by Jackftw

  1. When I get killed by a hacker, I just brush it off and take the time to admire how much fun it is to re-arm your character. There's nothing better than finding your first winchester laying in a barn :P
  2. Jackftw

    Don't trust "colin gibz" CoD Player.

    Hahaha, you guys ALT-F4ed when he shot you so you deserved it. Beans to the guy who killed you all.
  3. Jackftw

    Does this place look familiar?

    Because I already looted the shit.
  4. *in a cocky 'I know what I'm talking about voice'* M14 AIM is a battle rifle.
  5. Was running through elektro and saw a guy laying on the ground, I aimed at him to see if he was a surivor, and he yells at me ''Friendly, friendly! don't shoot friendly! please!''. So I tell him ''Don't worry buddy, I won't hurt you.'' As I was talking to him, he took fire from a DMR to our right, I turned and gunned down the shooter. Then, our little unarmed 'friendly' over here, goes and loots the body, takes the DMR off of his body, shoots me and calls me a fag. From now on, if I hear a squeaker he's fucking dead. Idgaf if he calls friendly.
  6. This gave me a good laugh, haha
  7. I try my best to see the better side of people, but it always bites my ass lol.
  8. Jackftw

    Killing unarmed survivors..

    I'm betting my money on the jamie hyneman zombies. they will find a way... they always do.
  9. Jackftw

    The Jamie Hyneman zombie

    Pics or it didn't happen.
  10. Jackftw

    The Jamie Hyneman zombie

    LOL this is great.
  11. L85 is total shit unless you have a sniper in your backpack.
  12. Well isn't that just some bullshit. If the standalone uses the Arma 2 engine you can guarantee I'm not buying the shit. I've had enough buggy leg breaking, killer tree's and tent duping to last a lifetime.
  13. Jackftw

    Fucking Humanity...

    Once a bandit always a bandit.
  14. This game is supposed to be about realism, and it's not like there's a magical counter in your head that tells you how much blood/how many kills you have. If you wan't to confirm a kill, confirm it yourself.
  15. Go to elektro if you're looking for snipers.
  16. Jackftw

    Anyone else noticed....

    I don't give a fuck how many bugs the game has, I just want them to upgrade their piece of shit anti-cheat.
  17. Jackftw

    Trading NVG's for tent.

    And from this we can tell OP has full intentions of duping.
  18. Played for about 10 minutes last night and I already have an AS50, M4A3 CCO SD, and my friend and I played for about 10 minutes today and already acquired an L85 AWS. This is just getting way out of hand. In my honest opinion, they should just remove the AS50/L85/M107 until duping is fixed. If you can't fix duping, then just remove the guns completely until the standalone is complete, because these weapons are just a problem right now.
  19. Jackftw

    AS50's, AS50's Everywhere

    Yup, which is exactly why they should just get rid of the ultra rare weapons until the hacking/duping issue is fixed, because right now all the crap that's going around is game breaking.
  20. Jackftw

    boss suggestion

    Yes, and lets add quests, and talent points, and levels, and change the games name to WoWZ
  21. I bet you're just rolling in all that joy aren't you captain duper?
  22. Jackftw

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    Know the difference between CAMO clothing, and SOLDIER clothing. If you don't know, don't speak.
  23. And a hacker nuking an entire server is a completely valid playstyle, why would you battleye ban people for a certain playstyle?
  24. Jackftw

    Found a hacked crate,

    If you know an item is duped, get rid of it, but I bet you won't do that will you? You along with everyone else that ''accidentally'' dupes has the mentality ''Oh, well it already duped so we'll just keep it''. And that's just as bad as taking gear from hackers.
  25. Jackftw

    Found a hacked crate,

    This was great, haha. I followed your stream :)