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Everything posted by Jackftw

  1. This thread was made before that announcement.
  2. Jackftw

    Underrated Weapons

    M14 is pretty underrated, same with the FN FAL. Mk 48 is my favorite weapon no doubt, but I don't think it's the best.
  3. Jackftw

    Old Man Skin?

    Ackbar A. is a pretty good old man skin. It's usually the one I use when I feel like being stupid lol.
  4. Jackftw

    LF AS50 TWS

    OP went full retard
  5. Every time I find a hacked weapon, I drop it on the ground and then log in on it's position so it disappears.... OP uses it to kill noobs with hatchets.
  6. Jackftw

    debug plainz :(

    Except (I'd assume) when you go to heaven you don't yell ''DAMMIT!''
  7. Jackftw

    debug plainz :(

    It just happened to me today when I joined a server as it was ''creating''. I think that might have something to do with it.
  8. Hey guy's, I'm posting on here because I can't seem to find any help anywhere else. I've been playing the game for a few months with no problems, but here recently my game just won't stop skipping frames every few seconds. My rig is perfectly capable of running the game, hell, when I'm not skipping frames my FPS is at around 70-90. If anyone know's how to help let me know, it's honestly pretty game breaking.
  9. Jackftw

    Trading almost anything for a M24

    It's 4x M24 from a DMR mag.
  10. Seriously, I don't think I've ever met a sniper that DIDN'T combat log. The only way I've ever been able to kill one is by headshot, or using a sniper of my own. Pretty much, if I see someone laying on a hill in a ghillie, I KNOW they will alt-f4 when I shoot at them.
  11. Jackftw

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    LOL 99.99999% of players have an AS50.
  12. Exactly what Syndicate said. When I tried, my character was just a pale white for everyone else.
  13. Jackftw

    Players just stood?

    It's a bug with dead bodies.
  14. Jackftw

    Looted G36C-SD from a tent.

    ''I don't like hackers they're horrible people but when I find a hacked weapon I'm going to use it and be totally cool lulz'' Go drop the hacked weapon in the middle of the ocean. Keep hacked gear out of Chernarus.
  15. Gears of War, Battlefield, CS, Arma, Operation Flashpoint, uhhhhhh, idk that's really all I can think of off the top of my head.
  16. We raided a bunch of camps yesterday and got metric fucktons of gear. 5 satchel charges, an M136 Launcher with 3 rockets, SVD Camo, AS50 2 M16A4 Acog's, M4A1 HOLO, bunch of shit. Logged on today to see that all 3 of our tents were wiped. We saved them and everything, and no they weren't raided because there was frankly way too much for a few guys to take. So unless they somehow found a way to drive a ural over to Skalisty Island, we got owned by DayZ. Can anyone here confirm that their tents are working, and how to get ours to work? We saved them like 5 times each so that's not the reason. Could it be because half of it is inside a rock?
  17. Seriously, this is the worst. I'm trying my best to get my hero skin but I keep losing humanity because I kill people who shoot at me first.
  18. Jackftw

    I am the manhunter.

    OP, everyone is KoS. You're not a special cookie.
  19. ''... but when I kill one I'm going to take all of his hacked gear and use it because that's totally legit'' I don't really get the mentality of people. If you kill a hacker, and you know his shit is hacked, just hide his body. Every time you kill a hacker, and take his equipment it's just going to get duped a million times later on by other people that may kill you and take it, or people that kill them and take it. Do the community a favor, keep hacked gear out of DayZ.