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Everything posted by Jackftw

  1. Jackftw

    What is your favorite gun to use and why?

    Mark 48. Because I can spray at everything like a fucking madman.
  2. Jackftw

    Survivor: 1 -- Bandit: 0

    Yeah there's a lot of annoying ambiance. For like, 2 hours I was getting trolled by the sounds of car doors closing. Took me forever to figure out it was just a part of the game's background noise.
  3. Jackftw

    Survivor: 1 -- Bandit: 0

    It's pretty good! At first I didn't think I would like it because of the scenery, but it's really starting to grow on me. The only problem I have with it, is that I'm new to it, and never have any idea where the hell I am >.> haha
  4. Jackftw

    Rarest weapon you've found?

    CZ550, seriously. This thing is so fucking rare, not even kidding. This shits like 10x more rare than the AS50, and even the AS50 TWS.
  5. In light of the FMJ oriented OP, I give you this. What I say every time a hacker kills me: ''Who's the slimy little communist shit, twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant?''
  6. Jackftw

    The Cruelest Act

    Exactly, the kid can just log out and join a server, and then rejoin a server and he'll be on the coast, haha.
  7. It WAS a game about survival with your fellow man, it IS a deathmatch, and it SHOULD be about survival.
  8. Jackftw

    To Do or Die

    I'd run to my friend shooting like a crazy motherfucker. Just like Animal Mother.
  9. Jackftw

    Why do YOU kill in DayZ?

    Bandits, and bandits only. Unless someone shoots at me first, then I kill them. But the only people I KoS is bandits.
  10. Jackftw

    Band of Brothers

    rofl, DayZ is nothing like that. DayZ never has those ''starving for food'' moments. DayZ never has those ''watching your friends die'' moments. DayZ is a carebear's walk in the park. Zombies are too easy and survival items are too common. DayZ is hard for about 2 days, then when you realize how retarded the zombies are it's just way too easy.
  11. A zombie just punched me, and it threw me through the wall and out of the second floor of the apartment building I was in... It broke my leg and made me go unconscious, and as I was laying there he walked through the wall and floated down to me and starting feasting on me....
  12. For realism purposes. Yes, or no?
  14. Jackftw

    Why punish bandits?

    OP is mad because he gets KoSed by survivor noobs.
  15. I honestly believe this would tone down a lot of the KoS/stat padding sniper's. You can't tell me there's not countless nerds out there comparing their kills with one another. Can anyone even give me a valid reason why it should be kept? I mean, this game is supposed to be realistic, and in real life you're not going to have any clue how many people you've killed unless you really keep track of it yourself, and with the bandit skin you can distinctly tell if it was a bandit kill or not. So what do you guys think? Yay, or nay?
  16. When did I ever say that the bandit skin is realistic? And I don't think a ''personal account'' isn't realistic, I think having something keeping track of it FOR YOU is unrealistic. Please be smart.
  17. I've been trying forever to get my humanity up, but every time some tryhard douche shoot's at me I'm forced to shoot back and kill him, making me lose a fucking billion humanity (not really a billion). I try to spam bloodbags on my friend but it takes about 30 minutes just to get 5k+, and it only takes a few seconds of killing some douchebag shooting at you to lose 2k. The reason everyone elses, and my humanity is so low is because before the patch we had no idea of telling who was friendly, and who wasn't. So pretty much everyone you killed was a survivor, and since they ported over the humanity from the previous patch, I had NO CHANCE of ever becoming a hero.
  18. Jackftw

    I want to be a hero so bad! >:(

    The only reason I'm a bandit is because before they added the bandit skin's ..... nevermind it's in my OP... you can read.
  19. Jackftw

    I want to be a hero so bad! >:(

    Bandit is just too plain. Normal survivor gear with a turban, WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. They should have done something better with it.
  20. Jackftw

    I want to be a hero so bad! >:(

    Because running away and disengaging is the smartest and easiest solution when bullets are flying right past your head. If someone shoot's at me, I should be able to shoot back without turning into a pussy and losing humanity for it, rofl.
  21. Jackftw

    I want to be a hero so bad! >:(

    Dexter is a very smart man, Rocket should take notes :P
  22. Jackftw

    I want to be a hero so bad! >:(

    It does. Can you kiss it and make it feel better pwease? :(