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Everything posted by Jackftw

  1. I've never seen it before, could it be possible for you to post a picture? I'm curious.
  2. YES This would be awesome
  3. Post apocalypse, you're hungry, desperate for food and water. You see another person, and you know that there ARE bandits out in the world that WILL kill you. Do you take your chances and ask if he's friendly, and give him a chance to abruptly end your life, or do you just shoot him before he has any chance of shooting you? That's what it comes down to, and that's exactly how it is in the game.
  4. Why? This game is supposed to be as realistic as possible. If it were real life you wouldn't just get some magical beans falling from the sky just because you didn't kill someone. What's the reward for killing? LOOT. What's the reward for NOT killing? Idk, I'll have to come back to you on that one...
  5. Sad truth about any game. Sometimes people are just dicks. :(
  6. Jackftw

    Zombies are OP ATM

    *sniff sniff* do you smell that? I think there's a noob nearby..
  7. Roflmao, 60 to 70 kills? I hope you mean zombie kills. Because if you're camping in one spot and killing 60 to 70 people, you must be in the middle of new york city. Either that, or you just pulled that number out of your ass to look good, but that's besides the point. I agree, PvP is a part of the game and carebears need to get over it.
  8. Jackftw

    Two things i need to ask :D

    I think he had one fall too many.
  9. I've never had any problems with direct chat what-so-ever. And if you're close enough to see someone, you're close enough to hear them. Me and a buddy were testing the range on direct and it seemed to go about 100 meters. Sure, you can see someone way farther than that, but hey this is a realistic game; and in real life, you wouldn't just trust someone to be friendly through their movement. You would run for cover and keep your eyes peeled on them (or if you're like me, you shoot them, lol)
  10. Jackftw

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    Getting rid of NVG's would be bloody retarded. How would anyone play during a pitch black night? Wear a chemlight? Yeah sure, lets all just be walking light bulbs.
  11. Jackftw


    This post made me smile, thank you for that :)
  12. Jackftw

    How did you discover Day Z?

    I was telling my friend about how I always wanted to make a game very similar to this, and he was all like ''lewl bro you ever heard of dayz?'' and I was all like ''nah bro whats that'' and he was all like ''bro check this shit out'' and sent me a link and I was like whoaaaaaaaaaaaah.
  13. Jackftw


    Just because someones a bandit doesn't mean they're a CoD kiddy. I snipe people all the time, and I've ALWAYS had a hate on for every CoD game. It all boils down to what you consider fun. I think it's pretty fun killing noobs and then taking their gear as I fight off all the zombies charging me.
  14. I have a good friendly indicator.. USE YOUR MIC YOU IDIOT. If I hear some guy screaming FRIENDLY DON'T SHOOT through direct, I won't shoot. But if I see some idiot trying to salute or do some other crap, I'll just cap him and assume he was raising his weapon to fire at me.
  15. Kind of ironic that they make fun of the game by being sarcastic about ''ultra realism''. Has anyone seen their fucking kickstarter game? HAHAHAHAHA
  16. im getting stuck on loading
  17. Jackftw

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Omg.. Bear Traps ftw
  18. Me and a buddy were bored at Devils Castle, so we were just throwing flares everywhere and firing our weapons in the air, and throwing smoke grenades and just doing the stupidest shit. And then a few minutes later we get capped by someone who spawned into a tower while we were derp crawling (derp crawling is where you lower your weapon, look at the floor and crouch walk). I REGRET NOTHING
  19. Jackftw

    disable 3rd person view.

    Those things still affect you even if you're in third person. You just don't see it. If you need to take painkillers and you switch to third person, your crosshairs won't look like it, but when you shoot your bullets will go all over the fucking place.
  20. I'm finding the game working just fine. Try not to do stupid shit, like running full speed through towns. Prone is your friend.
  21. Jackftw


    This is great, hahaha
  22. Jackftw

    Where do Ghillie suits spawn?

    On the corpse of the bandit I stole it from.
  23. Because it's in GENERAL DISCUSSION? This thread is completely general :)
  24. Jackftw

    How do broken bones work?

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think having your bone break is just a CHANCE thing. Like it doesn't matter what your blood is, it just randomly happens. I've been smacked once with 12k health before and had a bone break.
  25. Me and a buddy of mine are always going through the woods. We don't really encounter any survivors at all. The only thing we come across are helicopter crashes, and deer stands. So I guess you could say the woods are a little too safe, but hey, this is a zombie survival game. And I guess when you think of surviving the place that comes to mind is the woods, or plains. If you wanted to survive you wouldn't be running around in a heavily populated town or city. I guess what it all comes down to, is the mentality of the survivors on the server(s) you play on. If you, and my buddy and I played on the same server we would probably run into each other eventually. And that's what I love about this game, you never know when someone might be watching you.