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Everything posted by Jackftw

  1. Jackftw

    Favorite Weapon Types Poll

    FAL doesn't have a full auto, it's only Semi, and Burst. But either way, if what you say is true and they both do the same damage, both have the same recoil (just like you said) then they are the on the same tier. (And no, the FAL has way less recoil when firing in rapid succession than the MK.)
  2. Why would it go into the ''suggestion'' forums? He's not ''suggesting'' anything, he's just pointing things out. roflmao.
  3. Jackftw

    Favorite Weapon Types Poll

    Bizon SD is poopoo, if you want a good suppressed weapon go with the M4A1 CCO SD
  4. Jackftw

    Favorite Weapon Types Poll

    I have many, MANY confirmed one shot kills with the FN FAL. And even then, it's single fire so if you can't land 2 shots you're just bad. And with the MK28, shit recoils no there's no tomorrow. After the first shot, that gun is spray and pray. I even outgunned an mk48 player at the stary sobor camp. Dude sprayed at me for like 5 seconds and couldn't hit me.
  5. Rocket said DayZ wasn't a game, and that it was an ''anti-game'' because it was made to be cruel, and harsh.
  6. Jackftw

    Favorite Weapon Types Poll

    How could you NOT like the FN FAL? 1 shot kill on zombies, AND players. Pretty much a guarantee'd kill once you get someone in your sights.
  7. Jackftw

    Stoner Squad

    So what's it like working at McDonalds? Btw, I like extra onions on my burger.
  8. Jackftw

    Best watching spot for firehouse

    Have you recently been killed by a frag grenade in the starry military camp? lol
  9. UN forces trying to contain the infection?
  10. Jackftw

    Best watching spot for firehouse

    No, you can't get a Holo sight legit. You're probably thinking of the CCO. Btw, is your name Master721 in game? I think I've killed someone with that name before.
  11. Jackftw

    L85A2 AWS

    So I found a helicopter crash sight, and when I looked at the ground I saw the option ''Take L85A2 AWS'', so I grabbed it, and nothing happened. Then when I hit ''F'' to switch firing modes it switched to L85A2 AWS. Even with stanag mags in my inventory there was no ammo for it, the ammo area was just blank. I heard they got rid of the weapon, but if they got rid of it, wouldn't that mean it won't spawn anymore? And then again, if they didn't remove it, why would it ''not exist'' when I picked it up? Weird. lol
  12. Jackftw

    L85A2 AWS

    Probably, lol. I'm not very familiar with forums.
  13. Unrelated note, I like your Reservoir Dogs quote in your sig :P
  14. Jackftw

    L85A2 AWS

    That's a cool story and all, but I can't see your screen. I only see what pops up on my screen, and if no other threads showed up I am guessing there were none. I'm sorry that I offended your manhood by making this forum. Before I ever do anything in life I will consult with you first. Btw, does Steak sound good for dinner?
  15. Jackftw

    L85A2 AWS

    I searched L85A2 AWS in the forums just now, and the only one that showed up was mine. GG.
  16. Jackftw

    L85A2 AWS

    I can't even drop it, it's not in my inventory. The only trace of it is when I press F
  17. Jackftw

    Opening crashed helicopters

    He accessed that gear because it spawned underneath the helicopter. Normal.
  18. Jackftw

    36 murders....and counting....

    Dude, you're trying way too hard to look cool/good.
  19. No, you can't die while offline.
  20. I would really love to help, but after playing this game, I don't trust anyone.
  21. Jackftw


    Let me stop you right there. You are NOT going to get a decent computer for that. That's barely more money then an iPhone LOL
  22. Jackftw

    safe car option?

    Save's the inventory.