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Everything posted by Jackftw

  1. Jackftw

    Military Convoy

    I've pondered an idea similar to this before. I had an idea that a REAL in-tact military convoy would go through the streets killing infected, AND players. This would make players come together to beat the military convoy, and then afterwards... fight for the loot. Vehicles from the military convoy left in-tact through the firefight would also be available for grabs. Roleplay reasons for the convoy would be something along the lines of the military trying to contain the infection, and destroy anything that's been affected.
  2. Jackftw

    This game

    Back to call of duty with you!
  3. More importantly, why are you wearing a hat indoors? And why is your shirt unbuttoned?
  4. Jackftw

    [Video] Alt-F4 and Ghosts

    I honestly don't understand why people think this is CoD, and feel the need to reload after they use ONE freaking round. @ 10:28 you were going to log too! hahahahahaha, admit it. If you didn't have fraps running you would've been out of there in 0.001 seconds flat.
  5. Jackftw

    Taking Slaves (Video)

    I wasn't talking about you.
  6. Why not just hold down the ALT key?
  7. Jackftw


    If his story checks out, he alt-f4'ed. Deserves to die.
  8. Jackftw

    Taking Slaves (Video)

    Fun doesn't exist when it comes to elitists.
  9. Jackftw

    What would be your song?!?!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8C7J7deHI8 ''Oh my god... they're everywhere. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!'' lulz
  10. Jackftw

    Taking Slaves (Video)

    This was great, hahaha. I give you 4/5 beans :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :emptycan:
  11. :beans: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan:
  12. http://www.dayzmod.com/images/gallery/dayz-gallery_p3.jpg Taken from the front page of the website. Why is the game not like this? Why are their only 3-5 zombies in any given area? Why aren't there just overwhelming masses of flesh eating zombies? Can you imagine firing your gun and killing a player, and then having to worry about hurrying up and looting, knowing there is a horde of zeds just rushing their way to your position? In a zombie survival game, you should have to be worried about zombies. You should have these intense moments where you're out of ammo, and running for your life desperately trying to find a way to escape (alt-f4 if you're a douche). If they were to add a ton more zombies to the game they would have to make a change. Make the zombies slower, and take 1-2 more shots to kill. If Zeds were to be like this, the game would be AMAZING.
  13. It's a post apocalypse, why would a bandit randomly cuff himself and put on a prison jumpsuit? That's just stupid.
  14. Jackftw

    Elektro to Stary

    Pusta, Mogilevka, Vyshnoye, Novy Sobor, Stary.
  15. Jackftw

    BAF OFFROAD not in game anymore?

    Yeah mine went missing to :(
  16. Jackftw

    Your first death!

    First death, I got killed by a ghoster.
  17. Jackftw

    Whats your favorite weapon?

    o.O I didn't think that spawned in DayZ.
  18. Watch out we got a badass over here.
  19. Jackftw

    Suck it up, buttercup.

    I complain about people who complain because complaining is wrong.
  20. Jackftw

    If DayZ was Real, how would you act?

    With that attitude you would die. Fast.
  21. Jackftw

    Where do ATV's spawn?

    ATV's are terrible, they bug out and do like 6 backflips out of nowhere.