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Everything posted by Jackftw

  1. Jackftw

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    I think I've killed you before.
  2. I never understood why guys play as girl characters in almost every game that has the option. Is it to try and look ''pro''? And I especially don't get why you would in this game, because you can't use camo/ghillie suits.
  3. Well technically you wouldn't be taking his AS50 to your face, you would be taking his ammunition.
  4. I guess I'm just not that desperate to see a pixelated anus.
  5. Just curious is all :P
  6. It does have an impact. Females have super bright white pants, and they can't use ghillie suit's/camo.
  7. I don't ''care so much'', I'm just curious. Don't get so butthurt.
  8. I hear this reason all the time, but it doesn't seem very valid. When you play a game like this, you shouldn't be staring at your character at all. You should be away of whats around you.
  9. Jackftw

    Simulating Morality?

    Do you enjoy killing people in real life?
  10. Jackftw

    hacking scripts seem rampant today

    They're not hackers. They're script kiddies.
  11. Jackftw

    Back in my day...

    Intriguing tale, brethren.
  12. Jackftw


    Every post you make, you are obsessed with research.
  13. Jackftw


    http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Antibiotics http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Infection#Infection
  14. I had a heartbeat with only 1 murder.
  15. Jackftw

    Safe Zone Idea

    How about you make your own safe zone? Take you and all your friends, and you claim a town as your own, and kill any hostiles that try to enter.
  16. The troll is strong with this one.
  17. Jackftw

    My mom just asked me why I play DayZ.

    I doubt your mom has any fucking idea what ''alpha'' means.
  18. They're just a nuisance at the moment. Rocket needs to make them a lot harder.
  19. Jackftw

    this is why i dont get in boats

    Was watching TPGs stream when this happened. Was laughing so hard.
  20. Jackftw

    Made a piece of art for dayz.

    You forgot to color the AK.
  21. Jackftw


    OP complains about people who complain because complaining is wrong.
  22. Jackftw

    Why can't I loot bodies?

    Are you checking his backpack, or his actual gear?
  23. Brace yourselves... The ambush is coming.