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Everything posted by castner

  1. castner

    Bounty hunter system

    Lol Hze, The point seannybgoode is trying to make, is that if you play with a friend and you rack up a high bounty. You could have your friend kill you to advance them in the game, which would be gamebreaking (in a way). Since you'll have to rack up all that bounty in the first place only to sacrifice yourself. Anyway Seannybgoode, I understand your point but its hardly a refined suggestion.
  2. castner

    Bounty hunter system

    Bounty Hunter System. I like it! However, each player would need to have a unique identity. It's all well and good saying "yeh, he looks like this and he's carrying this" it's a very general description. Also, to have a system you need a suitable reward system. So that's another thing to consider and integrate.