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About Massacerist

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Bay Area
  1. Massacerist

    UAZ with RGO frag grenades

    this one also had 10, as well as 30 ak mags and 10 SVD mags, along with a tent and some other gear.
  2. Massacerist

    UAZ with RGO frag grenades

    ahh well then i guess i just picked myself up a nice new UAZ :D
  3. Thinking this might be a hacked in vehicle, or at least hacked in gear inside it. Any thoughts?
  4. Massacerist

    Post Your Playstyle And Current Setup

    Regulator AS50/AKM makarov, haven't found a better sidearm yet this life lol rangefinder/nvg's other stuff
  5. Yea ive definitely had more luck finding them in brick buildings and apartments. the other day in cherno i found two ghilles and a camo outfit on my way out of the city. pretty good day there.
  6. ^THIS^ was just on a high population server, worked my ass off for days getting awesome gear. server got hacked and teleported everyone to some random location on the map and removed all the gear from my inventory with the exception of tools and by pack. back to low population for me. :(
  7. happened to me too the other day, lost my week long character with a lot of good gear. shit happens
  8. Massacerist

    Your unluckiest/luckiest moments in DayZ?

    Luckiest: Wandering around in Stary I hear a helicopter flying nearby. It does a fly over and kills two guys I didn't know were in the city with me but misses me (already kinda lucky). Start leaving west end of Stary and they spot me, then try to aggro all the zombies and bring them to me. I fight them all off with a PDW and by weaving through bushes and trees. They must have thought I was dead, because they fly off for a bit. Start leaving Stary again and find another Heli, not in working order though. Queue jerks in working heli! They fly over me, I lay down in the bushes so they cant see me (i had a ghille suit and an SVD camo). They land their working heli right next to the broken down one. I pop up and shoot one in the neck, he goes down instantly but logs out, other one has no idea what to do and runs back to the heli they arrived in, and I take him out with a headshot. 5 minutes later another guy shows up and I take him out too. 3 kills = 2 helicopters. Unluckiest: My buddy shows up to fly the heli to camp ( i have no idea how to fly them). Gets in, flies no more than 200 yards, THUNDERDOMED. Lost both helis and my buddy dies.
  9. Massacerist

    I have the Hero Skin.

    So which is the one with the helmet and camo gear then? I've seen a couple guys standing around (dead and bugged i assume) in what looks like full military gear with a helmet and everything.
  10. Massacerist

    Dog led us to a working car.

    Hackers like that are very entertaining. give me a hacker that makes the game more interesting rather than one that teleports everyone 100ft into the air any day! ^ THIS ^
  11. Massacerist

    Will the whiners ever understand?

    this crack is waaaaay too good to put down >.< and yes i know im being hypocritical about the whole thing, just needed to let my frustrations out.
  12. Massacerist

    Will the whiners ever understand?

    I'm sure that's true, but I'm just sick of all the people screaming and crying about issues in the game and then flaming the entire mod claiming its a "pos" and stuff like that. Mods are hard to make, and constructive criticism would help more than destructive criticism.
  13. Do any of the kids whining on thee threads really know how hard it is to make a mod like this? Any idea how much balls Rocket has for releasing it to the public? He gave us this, his own creation, to do with as we please. There are so many variables to deal with, so many glitches to sort, not just from the mod but the ARMA engine as well. A mod like this one is outstanding and brilliant. NONE OF YOU LITTLE WHINY BITCHES SEEM TO UNDERSTAND THAT. "oh no my gun disappeared!" "oh no i got sniped again!" "oh no the skin i got deleted my pack!" GET THE FUCK OVER IT. Play this amazingly well made mod, that none of you could ever hope to create in the amount of time Rocket did, stop bitching about the small problems, and ENJOY THE GAME FOR ONCE. This ends my rant. Thank you Rocket for creating this mod, I appreciate your willingness to share an unfinished game with the world, and only hope that you get more money than EA once the standalone is complete. :D
  14. Massacerist

    The SVD

    I had one for all of about an hour. Used it to kill two guys as they got out of their helicopter, one in the neck, he bled out pretty fast, the second in the head while he was running around in circles not knowing what to do. Then BAM! Thunderdomed.