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Posts posted by darko@darko.org

  1. It's the weekend b4 4th of July. Maybe the guy is shooting off explosives.

    I had no idea that July 4th was Australian Independence Day.

    Probably not a good idea to call a NZlander an Australian, that's pretty insulting. Do you want even more pain in DayZ? Keep this up and we'll spawn with nothing at all, with a broken leg, blurry vision, 600 blood and surrounded by angry zombies. One tin of beans will spawn per server.

    Also don't complain that all NZers do is come over and steal the women and collect the dole, that'll get them really angry.

  2. This community is full of WANKERS.

    This is the ANTI-GAME.


    Spitting the dummy, eh? One day you'll be an adult and you can play adult games. Promise.


  3. I was disappointed to read that' date=' really. It seemed kind of spiteful.


    If you don't like "spiteful" then you should stop playing now. This is the guy who thought it would be fun to spawn people without guns, ammo, food or drink while making the zombies more potent, aggressive and plentiful. And he made food and drink rarer.

    So, I guess the next release he'll be really nice and maybe put spa baths around the place with naked chicks (and dudes).

    * [FIXED] Object cleanup causing significant (huge) performance issue on servers (reduced by up to 50%' date=' means more players + zombies possible)

    Bring on 75 player servers please!


    Really? You actually want more players per server? Not me, I'd prefer less. I run into enough idiots shooting at me on 30 or 40-player servers, why would more be a good thing? I'm being serious, what's the point of even more people running around? Especially when most players gripe about other players enough as it is! :)

    I get on a server with only 10 to 15 people and it's relative peace and quiet and I can actually loot and survive a bit and not run into a bunch of idiot yahoos around every freakin' corner. I get on a full, well-populated server with 30 or 40 people or more and I'm suddenly getting shot at (and sniped at) nearly everywhere I go, or run over by cars! Maybe it's just me, but no thanks to that noise.

    I don't think that's rocket's fault that people play like that. He's not responsible for human nature. Using less populated servers is sort of cheating. It's quite likely that there won't be many in the future anyway.

  4. I'm trying to get a server going because I was told all I needed to do was get a server that had DayZ Auto-install available on it. Then I find out you have to wait in line to be "chosen". It has been over a week of waiting. This is definitely ridiculous.

    Team DayZ doesn't seem to realize they are just making a mod. They have no say what so ever how you run your own server. This is a mod and not an actual game. Arma 2 is the game. If the owners of Arma 2 (Developer Bohemia Interactive Studio; Publishers 505 Games (Europe)' date=' Got Game Entertainment (North America), and Designer Ivan Buchta) wanted the rules of hosting set that way, they would make it so. But Team DayZ does not own Arma 2 and can not enforce rules for a game they do not own. Team DayZ CAN NOT LEGALLY TELL A SERVER ADMIN WHAT TO DO WITH HIS/HER OWN SERVER. I've looked into this. Because Admins/Server Owners pay the bills, no one but them can make the rules for that server, and if a third party (Team DayZ) try to, it is denial of service by proxy. That is, we are not being allowed to play a legitimate copyrighted game on a server we have payed for (even though the server is sitting there waiting to be used) because the third party has blocked access. This is illegal.

    We as server admins and potential server admins need to make a stand.

    If I'm paying MY OWN MONEY for a server, no one is going to tell me what I can and can not do in it. It's my server. I will kick for my friends, I will kick for myself, I will kick for high ping and I will kick assholes.

    And someone said DayZ wouldn't be losing servers, apparently he doesn't read the posts. I have seen at least 20 other people change there minds about hosting a server, and if my server isn't set up with in the next 24hrs, I'm canceling my order and getting a refund to say the least.


    You don't even realise how much you're embarrassing yourself, do you?

    Pretty simple: Rocket owns the code, so he makes the rules. If you don't like it you can do nothing about it. I guess you can hold your breath. LOL

  5. Unplayable - plain and simple love the concept tho

    If you guys sit there and play like this Mod works and is the shit then your stupid.


    If there was a real zombie apocalypse' date=' you'd be my first meal. And the world would be a better place for it.


    Ride some more cock all you little kids need to grow some balls

    its alpha no shit i didnt say i didnt like the game im just saying its unplayable so you can swallow now.

    LOL, so obvious you just can't play the game and you're trying to blame everyone else. Just stop playing, m'ok? Then go get a hug from mummy and she'll give you a nice cookie and glass of milk, and everything will be betta.

  6. I at this point believe the game is near unplayable...I would be happy to roll back all the way to 1.6 at this point.. Can we please stop adding stuff on whims.....this week has had me at the breaking point to not being able to play anymore...I've wasted an entire day...and some of you can say oh don't play then' date=' well things are not gonna get fixed if no one is playing...Sometimes people change things that were done right in the first place, everything in the world doesn't begin broken and need a fixing, and thus, changing only screws things up


    Unplayable in your opinion, which merely means it doesn't suit you. Meanwhile there are a quarter of a million unique players and the game is still growing. The reason it is growing is that people like this unusual style of gameplay, it's not like what else is out there, which tends to be more forgiving. That more punishing, challenging style is what attracts people. If you take that away you will kill what makes the game special, and what's the point of that?

    Personally I think the upgrades from 1.6 are a leap forward. Zombies are more dangerous but now you can hide from them. Food is scarce. People are more desperate. You need to be on your toes to survive. It's terrifying. Perfect.

  7. Prone Nerf was something you did. And you never REVERTED it FULLY. Fix it.

    Ok, we've matched your CD key using your IP. We're currently working on the Dayz specific ban hammer and will be rolled out in the next update of the server and central db code. You'll be our "alpha tester". Remember people, participating in DayZ is privilege, not a right, we don't need that attitude.
