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About alphadoh

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    On the Coast
  1. alphadoh

    [ Feature Request] Dayz Smart Spawns

    Yes, but what will you do of these metagaming scenarios: The player has done looting the whole military base, and went from gearless to rambo, but hasn't the courage to leave his building, and walk his way out of the base whether because the server is full, or just because he recently heard some shot in the distance and think he'll not make it alive? The player is cornered in a building, and shit is about to hit the fan because there are some players outside ready to swat the whole place. Well the player can try to combat log and spawn safely outside the military base. Same scenario as above, shit is about to happen, but this time there are two players looting dead body with people ready to do some special forces entrance. player one get all the possible gear he can carry, and has a full backpack in its hands, log off while the player two cover him almost naked, once player one is offline and safe, then player one logs off too. But you rose another problem, and the only good solution i see would be to significantly raise the necessary amount of time to log off (vicinityPlayersAmt * 20) while also adding some sound notification such as your character zipping open a sleeping bag before laying on the ground. But this sleeping bag sound might at some point also be gamed to make people believe you are about to log off and force them to engage. This sound must be linked to an uncancelable animation, such as your character lying on the ground. It's must admit it, you are absolutely right. It no longer happens to me, but i had to learn to log off away from the loots the hard way. Now that's completly normal, and this is what actually makes Dayz great, learning from your mistakes, and improving until you become a survival prepper bushcraft master. But that's not about you or me, because while i think if i died is because i did wrong, not everybody is going to think that way. I'm afraid my friend you misunderstood me, i was not talking about re-spawning after death, but spawning upon reconnecting on a server while being alive and well.
  2. Dayz login random spawns, or not so much random. Please read until the end before jumping outta your chair, thank you. I'll be straight! What i propose: There should be thousands of safe spawns scattered across the map to avoid abuses, and certainly not that spawn in the middle of an open field. These spawns will also add some immersion for the new players, indeed spawning inside a building is far more immersive than spawning in the middle of nowhere, and what would a survivor do almost naked in the middle of a forest in the first place? To prevent metagaming this feature should be avoiding spawning players near other players, at best 500 meters away; I'll explain why later. This system will need a balance between last online coordinates and distance from others players in the network bubble for better spawn quality. Example #1, Tisy, let's say that we only got 4 spawns around, of course, there should be far more spawns at least 50: #1 distance from last online coordinates: 29m - distance from player1: 208m - distance from player2 - 214m - spawn quality: 30/100 #2 distance from last online coordinates: 102m - distance from player1: 329m - distance from player2 - 325m - spawn quality: 40/100 #3 distance from last online coordinates: 217m - distance from player1: 3m - distance from player2 - 7m - spawn quality: 6/100 #4 distance from last online coordinates: 392m - distance from player1: 504m - distance from player2 - 507m - spawn quality: 60/100 The algorithm will select the spawn number 4 because even if it's a little far away from the last online player spot, it's a safer place since the two alive players in the network bubble are respectively 504 and 507 meters away from the spawn, they probably are some friends playing together. Exemple #2: #1 distance from last online coordinates: 5m - distance from player1: 408m - distance from player2 - 607m - spawn quality: 90/100 #2 distance from last online coordinates: 109m - distance from player1: 511m - distance from player2 - 704m - spawn quality: 80/100 #3 distance from last online coordinates: 302m - distance from player1: 117m - distance from player2 - 253m - spawn quality: 20/100 #4 distance from last online coordinates: 359m - distance from player1: 457m - distance from player2 - 495m - spawn quality: 40/100 This time the algorithm will select spawn number 1 because the players is very close to where he was last online. The two alive players in the network bubble are both 408, and 607 meters away, while the second one is not much of a threat because he's far away, the first one can be, 400m is still ok aiming with a hunting scope. But that's the best available spawn among all. Example number 3, a crowded town with very limited spawns, in reality, once again there should be far more spawns something like 200: #1 distance from last online coordinates: 5m - distance from player1: 9m - distance from player2 - 42m - spawn quality: 2/100 #2 distance from last online coordinates: 32m - distance from player1: 13m - distance from player2 - 71m - spawn quality: 1/100 #3 distance from last online coordinates: 114m - distance from player1: 44m - distance from player2 - 69m - spawn quality: 8/100 #4 distance from last online coordinates: 1284m - distance from player1: 506m - distance from player2 - 809m - spawn quality: 1/100 On this situation the algorithm will select spawn number 3 because even if there is a lot of players close the spawn, the others options aren't better, while two of the others options expose the player to a very imminent danger such as loading screen versus high proximity looting player that may search every room for loot. The fourth option while offering good protection will confuse the player, spawning more than 500m away will move the player too far from the position he was in the first place. It might also be abused to do some random fast traveling from crowded over-looted place to an uncrowded and unlooted one. While giving players the option in the settings to choose to have a random spawn seems to be a good idea, it's not. Indeed once again it can be abused, it must be a server feature. Giving the option on spawn to choose to spawn far away from the players is also not a good solution since it can also be abused as explained above. If the player is spawned more than 100m away, he must be somehow be notified to reduce the confusion, with something like an animation of being tired after a long walk thus without impacting the stamina. Players should not spawn in the field of view of others players to prevent abusive sniping camp such as waiting on a spot until they get lucky. Why? Say for instance in front of a 300 meters away door where players usually spawn because of a crowded town for example electro and they most likely will spawn on that given house because its the well known nearest spawn to offer a good distance from the crowded town. 500 meters is a-ok distance because it's hard enough to aim and will most likely not be fatal shot unless it's a headshot and good luck with that. But hey, let's not babysit the players too much, Dayz is meant to be a hardcore game. Players need to use their brain if they want to survive the day. They already got a safe spawn, now that's their problem if they just leave the safe room without inspection or preparation and die right away because there was a smarter player with good aiming and thinking on top of that. They deserve to die at this point, that's the game. This feature is really important and should share with the death, infected, and item spawns. It will reduce the frustration for players that had a problem and got disconnected from the server after an internet or game crash. It will also partially protect the careless braindead players that disconnected in the middle of the field because its 2 pm and they were too tired to find a right spot to log off. They are typically the kind of players that make bad publicity of the game because of their own mistakes, and we know there's going to be a lot of these when the beta will be available on the stable branch. But the most important facet of this feature is obviously to prevent or at the very least make harder hoping metagaming such as logging off from a crowded defended base on server 1. Logging on low pop server 4 who shares the same hive as the server 1, get inside the completely empty and undefended base. Log off again from the low pop server 4, log back on the crowded server 1, and steal what's inside the camp before taking off, or worse just to make a rampage. It will also prevent unlucky spawns like I've seen at the very least a dozen of time since I'm playing Dayz where you get yourself killed upon reconnecting even in the deepest unpopular area of the map where you expect to cross nobody. There is no such place in Chernarus. Also, spawning next to another player like this is an immersion breaker, and too much lookalike an arcade game. Of course, this feature should be part of the loot economy settings and must be allowed to be configured. The spawns if they are not already might be all fused together, and have some member such as canSpawnDead, canSpawnAlive, canSpawnInfected, and canSpawnLoot. While letting the player spawn where he was before looks like a good option, it can lead to some metagaming such as the freezing infected when there was no one around. At some point, players will figure it out. For that reason, random spawns must happen every time, and not only when there is a player in the surroundings to avoid the following scenarion: "Oh! I didn't spawn where I've logged off. There must be a player around!". That way players get an Intel the other player have not unless they are relogging. Last things; This feature will give a little more sense to the compass and the GPS for those who aren't yet familiar with the map because they will often be "a little" confused by the spawn they had if it's not close from where they were before. This is definitely needed in both softcore and hardcore before the game hits the 1.0.